Wang Tingjun is from Liaodong. He was less than one year old when he was born, and he knew seventeen words when he could read. He learned to write poetry at the age of seven, and he could write a whole poem at the age of eleven. When he grew up, Wang Xiu, a Zhuojun man, only met him once and thought he would become a pillar of the country in the future. Dading passed the examination for six years and was appointed as a judge of Zhou Enjun. He has just stepped into politics and won a good reputation.
In March of the first year of Ming Chang, Jin Zhangzong preached in the Bachelor's College: "Wang Tingjun's articles and sentences are too long. I don't like this sentence. I'm worried that students all over the world will follow him. " Zhang Zong also said to Pingzhang Zhang Rulin: "Wang Tingjun's literary talent is very good, but his writing is not old enough. This person is talented and it is not difficult to improve. " In April this year, Wang Tingjun was recruited to try out the position of Pavilion and was selected. On the Yushitai, some people said that Wang Tingjun had committed the crime of corruption during his tenure in Guantao, so he should not be arranged to work in Guantao, so he gave up. Wang Tingjun settled in Zhangde, bought land in Longlou County, and went to Huanghuashan Temple to study, hence the name Huanghuashan. This year1February, when Zhang Zong talked about Hanlin's bachelor's degree, he lamented the lack of talents and said, "Wang Tingjun is the right candidate." In the third year of Ming Chang, the court recruited him as the manuscript of Hanlin, and asked him and his secretary Zhang Rufang to evaluate the calligraphy and famous paintings collected by Neifu, and divided the selected calligraphy and famous paintings into 550 volumes.
In August of the fifth year of Ming Chang, Zhang Zong said to the Prime Minister, "I'm going to entrust him to draft the imperial edict and reply to the imperial edict of Wang Tingjun. Such talents are hard to come by. Recently, Dang Huaiying wrote "The Book of Changbai Mountain", which is not exquisite. It is said that scholars are jealous of Wang Tingjun. They don't read his articles, but only use his character to slander him. Generally speaking, scholars are talkative or allied with each other. It is not surprising that Confucian scholars and eunuchs formed their own independent parties in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Another example is Niu Monks and Confucians and Li Deyu in the Tang Dynasty, Sima Guang and Wang Anshi in the Song Dynasty. They are all scholars, but they repel each other and slander each other. Why? " So he promoted Wang Tingjun to write for Hanlin.
In the first month of the first year of Cheng 'an, Wang Tingjun was deprived of an official title because of Zhao Bingwen's letter, and was beaten with a stick for 60 years, and was dismissed, which was recorded in the Biography of Zhao Bingwen. In the second year of Cheng 'an, he was demoted as a defense judge in Zhengzhou. Four years, used to serve Hanlin figures. In the first year of Taihe, Zhang Zong, an attendant, went hunting in autumn and was ordered to write more than 30 poems, which was praised by Zhang Zong. Died the next year. At the age of 47. Zhang Zong always knew that he was poor and ordered the relevant departments to give him 800,000 yuan for funeral expenses. He also collected the poems and songs he created all his life and kept them in the secret cabinet.
Wang Tingjun is handsome and good at joking. On the surface, he has a noble temperament. At first others were afraid to go near him. After seeing him, I saw a gentle look on his face, warm and sincere, and considerate of each other everywhere. He is full of praise, fearing that there is something thoughtless and others have something to recommend. Later, although others have a hundred things they are sorry for, they never care.
Wang Tingjun's articles can fully express his thoughts, and his poems in his later years are also well organized, especially his seven-character poems. He is the author of ten volumes of Ju Bian and forty volumes of Selected Works. Mi Fei and his calligraphers Zhao Wei and Zhao Bingwen are both famous calligraphers, and Wang Tingjun is especially good at painting landscapes and ink bamboo.