The first rule: don't do things that have long been profitable, and don't go to places that many people compete for. I believe many people have realized that it is the way to profit and loss. The ancients often said that "the monthly surplus is a loss, and the water surplus is an overflow", which is the great wisdom of the ancients. So know how to converge, or you will go to the opposite side of things. The second sentence is that everyone should not go to a place where they are arguing, which may easily lead to great disaster. Confucius said that "a dangerous country will not enter, and a chaotic country will not live", which is what he said.
The second precept: small evils do not abandon the beauty of the people, and small grievances do not forget the grace of the people. As the ancients used to say, "clear water means no fish, and people look at it without disciples." Since ancient times, no one's personality is perfect, and we can't doubt people's virtue just because of a little mistake. People make enemies with others, don't forget the good things that others have done to themselves because of a little resentment, which requires tolerance!
The third precept: say that people's shortcomings are to protect their own shortcomings, and boast that their own advantages are to avoid others' shortcomings. The ancients often said: sitting and thinking about yourself, not talking about the faults of others, that is, not talking about the shortcomings of others. Anyone who often talks about other people's shortcomings is ill-intentioned and narrow-minded. On the contrary, people who often brag about their own advantages are actually jealous of others. Zeng Guofan said, can be said to be hit the nail on the head!
Under the temptation 1: the profit can be * * but not immune to it, and the strategy can be few but not public. If it is good and swallowed up by one person, then this person must be the target of public criticism. When planning things, be decisive and brave, don't follow the trend. "Warring States Policy": "Sages are not vulgar, and those who achieve great things are not interesting." This is a fact
The fifth precept: mediocrity in ancient and modern times is defeated by a lazy word, and talents in ancient and modern times are defeated by a proud word. The ancients understood mediocrity as ordinary people. The reason why people are ordinary is that they have no vision and are not diligent and enterprising. Zeng Guofan is a good example of diligence. After the age of 30, he kept a diary, wrote and meditated every day. A dull man reaches the peak of power through hard work.
On the other hand, people who are naturally surprised and gorgeous are arrogant and can't listen to people's words, which eventually leads to great disaster. Xiang Yu is proof!
The sixth precept: when doing great things, give priority to knowledge, supplemented by talent; If you achieve great things, people will live half a life, and God will live half a life. Everyone who achieves great things can be said to have extraordinary knowledge and outstanding talent. Life is alive, three points of ability, six points of luck, and one point of noble support! The most important thing to do great things is knowledge, talent and learning.