Confucius said: "When three people walk, they must have my teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and change those who are not good."
Here, I just "choose the ones who are good" and follow them. Good people" and follow it.
Sha Zhou, teacher Sha Zhou is a "post-1955" man from Inner Mongolia. He wrote 368,000 words and received 5.5 likes. He is good at writing serials, such as "Family Past", the documentary series "The Leader" and so on. The one thing he and I have in common is that we are very enthusiastic about family affairs. I am the founder of the electronic genealogy of our "Qi Family Genealogy" (Hunan Yuanbentang). Teacher Shazhou is influential in Ordos because units or companies often invite him to attend events, write prefaces, etc.
Li Jiusi, a versatile post-90s beauty, a master of writing and painting, and a gourmet. It seemed like all the advantages were concentrated on her. She wrote 266,000 words and received 21,000 likes, which is really awesome. The writing skills are excellent, and "Jiusi Commentary Collection" is very impressive!
Bin Zhizhi, the big brother of "50 years ago", wrote 116,000 words and received 50,000 likes! He is particularly good at beautiful poems and paintings, and is a hero in poetry. My eldest brother’s surname is Huang, he should be my mother’s Huang family. Nice to meet you!
The master of Siweitang, a young man born in 1965, loves literature, calligraphy, photography, etc. Versatile, promoting traditional Chinese culture, a master figure, only producing high-quality products, never perfunctory work.
Princess Bai Xue, a beauty born in 1995, a newcomer, a cultural "businessman" who is into "buy, buy, buy,". She seems to be a very financially savvy woman. She has written 38,000 words and received 4,276 likes. She has a bright future!
Jiao Xiaoqiao, a senior English lecturer born in the 1960s, has written 1.079 million words and received 144,000 likes, which shows how popular he is! His works are so beautiful that people can't put them down. "The products produced by Xiaoqiao must be high-quality products." It not only makes people feel happy, but also a feast for the eyes. It’s really “eye-pleasing and heart-pleasing”, an excellent product!