Wang Yangming, 50 years old, is a world-famous scholar and a guard who organized the army to fight thieves. When he was in Zhenjiang, he visited Jinshan Temple. I only feel deja vu along the way, and I have a very familiar feeling. Later, he saw that the door of a closed room (where monks practice behind closed doors) was locked and worn out, and there was a seal on the door, so he asked to open the door and have a look. The governor monk explained: this is where the body relic of the old monk who died 50 years ago (not the golden body rotted) is located. I haven't driven it for 50 years, and I can't see it. Wang Yangming insisted on opening the door. With his prestige and authority at that time, both the Governor and Shang had to open the door. When I opened the door, I saw the dead old monk still sitting on the futon. Fifty years later, he is still vivid and solemn. There is a poem written on the wall:
Fifty years later, Wang Yangming was still behind closed doors when he opened the door; The elves came back after closing the door. They believed that Zen was not bad.
It turns out that when the old monk died, he already knew the past and the future, so he specially left a message to remind Wang Yangming not to forget his true colors.
In other words, Wang Yangming is actually the reincarnation of the old monk in Jinshan Temple after his death. The monk who closed the door at the beginning and Wang Yangming who opened the door today are actually one person. It is true that Zen is not in poor health and can be believed.
This is an anecdote, and readers misread the letter by mistake.