From: The Analects of Confucius
Original text: Confucius said: those who know are happy, water; The benevolent is happy, the mountain. The knower moves; Ren Jing. Happy are those who know; Benevolent people live long.
He said that the happiness of the wise is dynamic, like water. The happiness of the benevolent is static, like a mountain. Isn't that clear? It is wrong to say that "wise men like water" and "benevolent people like Leshan" like mountains only out of context. Some people are very knowledgeable and lively, and most smart people are lively. The so-called "Yang Liuan, the breeze is fading" and "the Yangtze River flows eastward" are such verve and tolerance.
Most kind people are deep and quiet. Therefore, the following conclusions are drawn: "Wise men are happy", wise men are happy, and their interests in outlook on life are various; "Benevolent people live long", quiet and educated people are less likely to lose their temper and are impulsive. They look at things calmly, get it hard first, and live longer.
Extended data
There is a saying in The Analects of Confucius that "the wise man love the water" likes the image of running water. There is such an explanation in the third volume of Han Poetry: water always flows according to the surface texture, without leaking a little gap, just like a wise man observes things in detail; Secondly, the water always flows downwards, which is like a polite person's self-effacing attitude;
Water flows deep, it does not delay, just like a brave man keeps going forward; The dike is blocked, but the water is still clear, just like people in know life stay awake when facing the difficulties of life; Water flows through all kinds of dangerous terrain, reaches the distance, and eventually becomes the Yangtze River sea, instead of drying up and disappearing. This is like a virtuous person persevering and finally succeeding.
Water has so many moral symbols that all wise people like it. [The Book of Songs. "Pan Shui Pian" said: "Love the water in the Pan Palace and collect the water shield by the water; Lv Hou came and drank wine on the pot. " Is to describe the situation in love the water. Panshui, located in Pangong, was a school established by the vassal states of Zhou Dynasty.