The literati in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties were bold and unrestrained, traveling around, drinking and fighting. The most famous thing is that "in the ninth year of Yonghe, in late spring," a group of literati and poets visited Lanting in Kuaiji. There was a party, including the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi. They drank and played games. One of the programs was called "Qu Shui Liu Shang": while they read poems and sang, they let the wine glasses float down the river. When the singing stopped, When the wine glass stops in front of a person, that person will be punished by drinking alcohol, writing poems in pairs, etc.
These people played happily under the Orchid Pavilion for a day. At the party, they unanimously decided to compile a commemorative album of works. This commemorative album was named "Lanting Collection". At the same time, they elected Gu Jun. Wang Xizhi, who was an official, wrote the preface to the collection of books. From this, Wang Xizhi wrote the immortal calligraphy "Preface to the Lanting Collection"