Cao Cao took Xuande by the hand and went to the back garden. He said, "It is not easy for Xuande to learn gardening!" Liu Bei was relieved to hear this. He replied, "There is nothing to amuse yourself." Cao Cao said: "I just saw plums on the branches, and suddenly remembered that when I went to conquer Zhang Xiu last year, the road was short of water and the soldiers were thirsty;" I had a plan in my heart and pointed at it with a whip and said,' There's Merlin ahead.' Hearing this, the sergeant spat and was not thirsty. Now I can't help but admire this plum. While cooking wine, I invite your special envoy to stay in the pavilion for a while. "
Xuande was calm. With the arrival of the kiosk, the cups and plates have been set: there are plums and a bottle of wine in the plate. The two sat opposite each other and drank heartily. Halfway through the wine, suddenly dark clouds rolled and a shower was coming. The attendants pointed to the dragon hanging in the sky, and Cao Cao and Liu Bei watched on the railing. Cao Cao said, "Does your majesty know about the change of dragons?" Liu Bei said, "I'd like to hear all about it."
Cao Cao said: "dragons can be big or small, can be raised or hidden;" It's cloudy and foggy when it's big, and it's hidden when it's small; Rise and fly in the universe, hide and lurk in the waves. This spring is deep, dragons change with time, Jews succeed and travel all over the world. The dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero in the world. Xuande often goes abroad, and he must know his heroes. Please tell me about it. Liu Bei said, "I have no knowledge. How do I know who the hero is? " Cao Cao said, "Don't be too modest. "
Liu Bei said, "With your majesty's love and protection, you can be an official in the DPRK. Heroes in the world are unprecedented. " Cao Cao said, "I haven't seen him. I've heard his name for a long time." Liu Bei said, "Yuan Shu in Huainan is full of soldiers and food. Can he be called a hero? " Cao Cao smiled and said, "Yuan Shu is just a dead bone in the grave. I will catch him sooner or later! "
Liu Bei said: "Yuan Shao in Hebei Province, three of the four generations are ministers, and there are many old collectors in his family;" Now that the tiger lives in Jizhou, there are many people who can do things. Can you be called a hero? " Cao Cao said with a smile: "Yuan Shao is a lecherous and timid man, but he has no good strategy to make decisions;" Do great things but cherish life, see small profits but forget to care about life: not a hero.
Liu Bei said: "There is a man named Bajun, who is a great hero in Kyushu: Can Jingsheng of Liu Can be called a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Liu Biao is not a nominal hero." Liu Bei said, "Is Sun Bofu, the Lord of Jiangdong, a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Sun Ce is not a hero because of his father's name." Liu Bei said, "Is Liu Can concubine in Yizhou a hero?"
Cao Cao said, "Although Liu Zhang is an imperial clan, he can only be a family dog. How can he be called a hero! " Liu Bei said, "What about Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu, Han Sui and others?" Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed and said, "These mediocre people are nothing!" Liu Bei said, "Besides, I really don't know." Cao Cao said: "People who can be called heroes should be people who have ambitions, good strategies, opportunities to hide the universe and have a heart for the world."
Liu Bei asked, "Then who can be called a hero?" Cao Cao pointed to Liu Bei with his finger, then pointed to himself and said, "The only heroes in the world today are your special envoy and me (Cao Cao)!" Hearing this, Liu Bei was taken aback, and his chopsticks and spoon fell to the ground. At this time, it happened to rain heavily and thunder loudly. Liu Bei bowed his head calmly, picked up the spoon and said, "It's only because of the loud thunder that I was startled."
Cao Cao smiled and said, "Are men afraid of thunder?" Liu Bei said, "How can I not be afraid when the sage hears the wind and thunder turn his face?" I will hear what I just said before the chopsticks spoon falls, so I gently cover up the past. Cao Caocai doesn't doubt Xuande. Later generations have a poem praising (Liu Bei): "I don't want to go into the tiger's den for the time being, saying that breaking the hero scares people to death." Clever use of thunder to cover up and improvise. "
Extended data:
Heroes Boiling Wine is a fragment of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There are two heroes in it, one is Long song, who is yelling and arrogant, pointing to the crowd; One is clinging to others, blindly humble and pretending not to lose. They are Cao Cao and Liu Bei.
The peerless prose "Boiling Wine on Heroes" vividly depicts their mentality. One of the details is that Cao Xuan pointed to Germany with his finger, and then he pointed to himself: "The only heroes in the world are the monarch and Cao."
character introduction
Cao Cao
Cao Cao (155-0315,220) was born in Mengde, Yijili, Xiaozi, Peiguoqiao (now Bozhou, Anhui), Han nationality. An outstanding politician, strategist, writer and calligrapher in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.
The founders of the Cao Wei regime in the Three Kingdoms conquered all directions in the name of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, wiped out the separatist forces such as Er Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu Biao and Han Sui at home, surrendered the southern Xiongnu, Wu Huan and Xianbei abroad, unified the northern part of China, and implemented a series of policies to restore economic production and social order, which laid the foundation for the founding of Cao Wei. Cao Cao was the prime minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty before his death, then Wang Wei, and after his death, posthumous title became King Wu. After his son Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, he was honored as Emperor Wu, with the temple name Mao.
Cao Cao is good at writing poems, expressing his political ambitions and reflecting the tragic life of the people in the late Han Dynasty. He is ambitious, generous and sad. Prose is also neat, which opens and prospers Jian 'an literature and leaves precious spiritual wealth to future generations. Historically, it was called Jian 'an Style, and Lu Xun rated it as "the founder of reforming articles". At the same time, Cao Cao is good at calligraphy, especially at carving grass. In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Huaiguan named it a "wonderful flower" at the end of Shu.
Liu Bei
Cao Cao is the boss and Liu Bei is the boss, but at this time, Liu Bei had to make a living in Cao Ying for some reason. In order to dispel Cao Cao's doubts, Liu Bei specially planted a dish in Xuchang and played vegetable fields every day.
Actually, it has nothing to do with vegetable fields. If Cao Cao really cared about Liu Bei, he could just find an excuse and kill Liu Bei instead of recommending Liu Bei to Xian Di in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It's just that Cao Cao really loves talent, and he is eager for Liu Bei to contribute to himself. On the one hand, he sent someone to monitor Liu Bei's behavior, on the other hand, he didn't give Liu Bei a real task to do, which held Liu Bei back. I hope that after a long time, Liu Bei can really contribute to himself.
In order to strengthen his feelings with Liu Bei, Cao Cao adopted a policy of appeasement, invited Liu Bei to drink this heroic wine, and bluntly pointed out that Liu Bei was a hero. Cao Cao's vision has been spread out on the table. At this time, if Liu Bei continues to grow vegetables, Cao Cao will not say anything. Go and play your play, as long as what you do with me is wrong, you can say anything. Cao Cao knows this better than anyone.
It must be uncomfortable to rely on others. I really admire Liu Bei's acting skills. Growing vegetables under Cao Cao is also an art. Planting vegetables for several years can be a genius in itself. Looking for a job in the opponent's place, a little careless, revealed some flaws, revealing the idea of wanting to fight Cao Cao. Cao Cao still wants to kill people. There is no doubt about it.
Liu Bei also knows his acting skills, and so does Cao Cao. After playing for several years, Cao Cao didn't say a word. But now that Cao Cao has said that Liu Bei is a hero, the taste is a bit wrong. The actor's career ends here, so there is a funeral for Liu Bei to leave Xuzhou.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Boiling Wine on Heroes (Fragments in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)