The full name of the Huangfu Birthday Monument is the Monument to the Emperor Huangfu, also known as the Monument to Huangfu.
husband, in autumn, suppresses evil spirits, and strong grass is marked by high winds; The uncle is in danger, and the loyal minister shows that he is in trouble. The title must be entrusted to you, and you will be martyred for your country. The heroic voice will be remembered, and the emblem will be strong in the flag. If you start a small wall, it will be a disaster, and it will be stronger than the seven countries and the potential will be heavy. Some of them have gone through fire and water without leaving, but they are indifferent to the front edge, stirring the breeze in the back leaves, and resisting the honor festival at that time, which shows that they are righteous and fair.
Your birthday is taboo, and your character is constitutional, which makes you stable and prosperous. In the past, I made a great achievement in Qiu, and I made a great achievement in Dongjun. Qiu cracked the soil in Huaili, and Situ Qian dug the soil in Mengmen. It is based on the car service, the Mao society shows its virtue, the Ming Gong Wei Ding, the Teng Mei Jin Zhong, the Sheng clan is the highest in the country, and Hua Zongmai is in Luan Miao.
prepared in the history book, you can make a brief statement. Great-grandfather Zhong Hua made the general Liang Zhou, who was a dragon-saving general, make the mountain moist, and pay more attention to Zhao Bi. Mei Chuan took photos of the que, and Yao Qicai was given to Sui Zhu, Zuhe, and Yong Zhou praised him for giving him a gift. He made him ride a regular car and ride a general, and he made him a general with the third division, Jiaojing, and two states, and the high road would be successful.
Father Kun made the general Kaifu Yi, who holds the title of title of generals in ancient times, and the third division of Suizhou secretariat Changle Gonghou, with a fierce sword, won the championship, analyzed the Swiss and Fantiao, and raised his voice in the Bohai Sea. The amount of Bao Shenbo, the beauty of Songshan; The material is both Xiao Xiang and Shu Jing. According to virtue and benevolence, it is the way to live in chastity. With chapter and surface quality, change to vermilion? Based on filial piety, would you rather take training from Qiaozi? The front is like a rhinoceros, and the hundred trials are quite good in Kunwu; The wings cover the honeymoon, and 9, people devote themselves to the sea.
You can learn from your bones, cultivate your wisdom, be filial and gentle, and be loyal to your salvation. With He Chong's machine bureau, he was re-promoted; Like Xun You's grand plan, see Wei Zhu. Therefore, it includes all kinds of arts, including all kinds of heroes. Start with a long history of Wangfu except Zhou Bi. If you are a famous herdsman, you will be the first one; If you are satisfied with the sun, you will be honored. As a result, Cang Jing appointed Yu, Yan Yun started the map, and made a two-sided service, which made him look forward to it.
conferring the secretariat of Guangzhou. Yue is far away recently, becoming lighter and arguing over carving questions; Cutting against Huairou, gradually turning to slow ears. King Shu is located in Weicheng, sending deep rocks, building a jade base, making a bronze beam in the town, and choosing wonderful materials as a helper. Grant justice to the general administration of the public welfare state. Yesterday Liang Xiao founded the country, the first monarch Zou Yang; Yan Zhao built the country, Zhao Wei Guo was ashamed. Therefore, it is imperative to ask in the museum, broadcast the fragrance on the platform, and learn from the past and present, and each other is also one.
seek out the assistant minister of Shangshu Bibi and transfer to the assistant minister of punishments. Step by step, the purple court, the light reflected in the row, folded and rotated, and the reputation was heavy. Russia moved to rule the book to advise the history, playing against discipline, when it was absolutely powerful, the frost was simply rope, vulgar and greedy. With the Emperor Wen's desire for clothes and clothing, he is determined to sympathize with the punishment, curse the net and cry for the koo, and save the prison. Award Dali Shaoqing. The public must examine the details, and listen to Zhang Jizhi; Temper justice with mercy. Compared with the public, there is no injustice.
however, it's really difficult for him to accept this post because of his courtesy and courtesy. Grant Shang Shu you cheng. Understand politics and art thoroughly, know how to treat the prescription deeply, conceal the self-division, and make strict entries. Mother Ding was worried about leaving her job, mourning for her, and her neighbors went on strike. Sadness leads to a detour, and travelers stop singing with it. Filial piety is the teacher's ethics, and sincerity is the implementation of the subtle. Although it is high, how can it be added? Find a letter to seize the feelings, and resume his old post.
in the land of Shandong at that time, the people poured water on it, although the people were pre-compiled, they did not teach by sound. Zhao Gong held a festival to appease the ambassador of Henan Road, Hebei Province, and gave him 5 meters of stones and 5 silks. Gong Xuan's policy, the article of the United States crown Huang Hua; Holding the festival to watch the wind, I am honored to be the ambassador of embroidered clothes, but I have done something against my life and awarded Zuo Cheng, a senior minister. However, Bingzhou is located in the ginseng market, and the city is close to the Jin River. It is the same as the West Shu, and it is located in the East Qin Dynasty, which is the hub of the mountains and rivers.
Sima and Jiayi, the general manager of the state, were granted the same title. The public praises the service of the great country, has a very good reputation, is influenced by the refined people, and fears the officials. It belongs to the emperor Wen's sword and seal, and he is reluctant to go back. Yang Liang leads the army of Taiyuan, supports the soldiers of Heshuo, and the rebellion of Fang Shu's section in the capital, which is quite harmful to Pu, although there is no sign of being a wall, but he is pregnant with the heart of seizing the Sect.
Gong Bei said that he was safe, and he was obedient. He accepted Wei Bo's strategy and was attacked by Wang Han. In September of Renshou four years, he was transported from one place to another in the Spring and Autumn Period. Every opportunity has a sigh of good, and a hundred sorrows have been aroused. The mountain of Qie Kong's family collapsed, hurting Yang Jun's building. Give Dr. Zuo Guanglu from Zhuguo, Feng Hongyi County Duke, and 5, households in the food city, paying tribute to Ming Gong and courtesy. What is needed for the funeral is given by the capital, and five thousand pieces of silk are given.
There are 3, stones in the millet, but they are gentle and natural. They express the treasure of the rainbow, and they are written in prose, and the young ones are carved with dragons. The line is already poor in six books, and Yunde is covered in four subjects. The wonderful book of Yange Qutai, the secret of Hongdu Shiqu, is to find its branches and leaves and practice its corner. Like an arrow reaching a rhinoceros, it is decorated with feathers; Chu Jin cut jade, and grinding (que) to save the lack is the same as pointing to the cave, and personally treat it with fire. When you are a sage, you can push the hub, and when you are a confidant, you can play the crown.
keeping faith and giving up the original, gold is cheaper than promise; Sacrifice yourself, life is lighter than a feather. The size of Qi is larger than that of Chongjin, and it is mixed with humiliation in Lingfu. It can be said that when crowned, the male is also. When Fang Dangliang took the Thai stage and participated in the comprehensive maintenance, it was said that the world was full of troubles, and the luck was lost, and the plan of the state was not exhibited, and the election was not cool.
The ministers of the Ministry of People's Republic of China, on the top of the column, have no escape from the country, thinking that the tomb of Zi Meng, which is under Xing (Que) (Que) and east of Zhongzhi (Que), is carved with gole stones, soaring and soaring, and the tree is healthy and graceful, which will always show elegance. 鈥檚 Ge Liang is the dragon, and Zhong Sheng is forbidden to use firewood Su; The monument of Jia Kui was immortalized by Wei Jun.. It is written as an inscription saying:
When the wing is in charge, I will assist the emperor in the future. Run the economy and manage the economy. Men Chengji Qingshi is a great man. The night light is a shame, and the morning light is a shame. The cloud is better than the land, and the sun is lower. Suppress Yuan (Que)' s application to Zhu Qiu, whose name is Jieshi, and his voice is high. Er pen xian tai, holding LAN Wen. Divide the stars and crack the soil, build Hou Kaiguo. Turn to a righteous person and learn from each other.
when the middle school quit, it was difficult for Jinyang (Que) to become a teacher, while Taishu was prosperous, Jiande was frugal, and Yi Wu was loyal. Life is on the road, and the body is famous. The cow pavilion was first opened, and the horse was first sealed. The emerald tablet is carved with a phoenix, and the dragon is carved with a dragon.
Extended information
The author of "The Monument to the Prince of Ming Dynasty by Dr. Zuo Guanglu of Sui Zhuguo" is Yu Zhining.
the word Yu Zhining (588-665) is ambiguous. Jingzhao Gaoling (now Shaanxi) is a native. In the last years of Emperor Yangdi's great cause (616-618), he was the county magistrate of Guanshi. Sui perished and returned to Tang Dynasty. Ren Tiance was engaged in Zhonglang, fought with Li Shimin, and held a bachelor's degree in Literature Museum. In the third year of Zhenguan (629), Emperor Taizong was the assistant minister of Zhongshu and the son of Prince Zuo Shu. He tried to persuade the Prince to carry on his bad habits in many ways, but he was assassinated by the Prince.
after Li Zhi became a prince, he returned to worship Zuo Shu-zi and was ordered to supervise the revision of national history. After the first year of Emperor Gaozong Yonghui (65), he was appointed as the left servant of Shangshu. In the second year of Yonghui (651), he became prime minister. In 659, he was removed from his official position, participated in the compilation of laws and regulations, and cooperated with Si Kongli? Revised "Yinggong Tang Herbal Medicine" with 7 volumes; Later, it was revised as Tang Herbal Medicine by Su Jing and Changsun Wuji.
This book is the first Chinese herbal medicine, which has played an important role in medical history and medical education. Linde died in the second year (665), aged 78.
Baidu Encyclopedia —— the tablet of Doctor Zuo Guanglu of Sui Zhuguo, Hong Yi Ming Gong Huangfufu.