It is estimated that few people know that Wang Xizhi's home was also destroyed by war, that is, there were frequent wars at that time. Wang Xizhi's ancestral grave was destroyed, but he was unable to repair it, so he wrote to express his helplessness and grief. Burial stickers are produced under such a background. Fortunately, it has become the only original work of Wang Xizhi.
Although there are only 26 words in "Funeral Sticker", the words are exquisite, and each word has different characteristics. He is energetic and skilled with a pen, and can write down the whole paragraph in one stroke. Its composition is flexible, powerful and vivid, which is very close to the characteristics of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. Most importantly, when he writes, his feelings change from depression to excitement.
"Mourning Post" has been preserved in Japanese Imperial Palace for over 1000 years. Until 2006, the Sino-Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition was held in Shanghai, which was the first time that modern people directly experienced its infinite charm face to face. Fortunately, this article is well preserved. The whole post is brand new, but the page is a little yellow.
Wang Xizhi is a great calligrapher with great talent. His work "Mourning Sticks" has stood the test of time and amazed many calligraphy lovers at home and abroad. His calligraphy is still our goal.