1, write the god of heaven and earth: the word "heaven and earth" is written widely, with heaven and earth as a broad sense; The words under the word "Jun" must be sealed, and no messages can be left, which means that a gentleman can't say anything; The word "pro" cannot be sealed; Don't write the word "teacher" (teacher) in the upper left corner, which means the teacher doesn't stay (leave). Write "Tian" as a station and "Di" as a seat. "The earth can't be bigger than the sky. Although the country can't be bigger than the sky, it's better to look as big as the earth to show that China is rich in the world, and the fonts of "pro" and "teacher" are slightly smaller. (Note that the characters should be traditional, from right to left and from top to bottom), or you can just write [the position of heaven and earth (country)], and don't write other gods and couplets on both sides.
2. Write the memorial tablet: generally write [the memorial tablet of the ancestors of the past dynasties in the X Gate Hall] (which can be matched with couplets, such as the Millennium gold burner and the jade lamp for a long time), while single men will write [the memorial tablet of X (surname) and XX (name)] and women will write [Xian Yan X (husband's surname]).
3. If you want to worship a god instead of a portrait or statue, write down the name of the god on red paper, such as "Bless the Kitchen God" (which can be matched with couplets of virtue and fire control ability, selflessness can reach heaven) and "enchanting devil God". If there is a sacrifice to the landlord, write [the dragon gods in the five places before and after the landlord's god of wealth] (the altar should be write-protected to the landlord's throne). You can also match couplets.