Wang Xizhi's Translation of Anecdotes in Ancient Chinese


At that time, his protege was instructed to ask Wang Dao for a son-in-law, and Wang Dao asked his protege to observe his sons and nephews under the east wing. When his apprentice returned, he said to Chi Jian, "The young people in the Wangs are very nice, but when they heard that someone was going to choose a son-in-law, they all looked very stiff. Only one person eats with his stomach exposed in the east bed, as if he didn't know about it. "

Chi Jian said, "This man is the best son-in-law!" When I asked, it was Wang Xizhi, so I married my daughter to him. A widow in Huiji keeps a goose, and her singing is very beautiful. Wang Xizhi wanted to buy it, but he didn't buy it, so he drove to see it with his relatives and friends.

When the old woman heard that Wang Xizhi was coming, she cooked a goose to entertain him. Wang Xizhi sighs all day. I once saw an old woman selling hexagonal bamboo fans in Jishan. Xihe is written on a bamboo fan, each with five words.

The old woman looked angry at first. Xizhi said to the old woman, "As long as it is written by Wang Youjun, the price can reach 100 yuan." The old woman did as he said, and people rushed to buy it. A day later, the old woman brought another fan, but she just laughed and didn't answer. His calligraphy is valued by the world, which is similar to this situation.

Original text:

When Jane asked his protege to ask his son-in-law for guidance, the instructor went to see the children in the East. When the door came home, he said, "Wang's family is not very good, but they are self-sufficient in the letter." The only person who ate in the East Bed didn't smell it.

Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was called the "holy book" and moved to the mountains to live in seclusion in the county's Golden Pavilion. He served as general Ningyuan and Jiangzhou thorn, and later as general history and leader of Huiji.

His calligraphy is good at calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy. The style is peaceful and natural, the brushwork is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful.

Li Zhimin commented: "Wang Xizhi's calligraphy not only shows simplicity and abstinence based on the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, but also shows harmony based on the Confucian doctrine of the mean." The masterpiece Preface to Lanting is known as "the best running script in the world". In the history of calligraphy, he and his son Wang Xianzhi were called "two kings".

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Anecdotal allusions

1 smart

Legend has it that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board.

He didn't reach the bottom until he cut into a depth of three points. Woodworkers are amazed at Wang Xizhi's pen power, perfect calligraphy skills and his pen power. Cut to the chase is derived from this story.

2, bamboo fan inscription

Wang Xizhi walked across a bridge in Yin Shan. An old woman went to a charity sale with a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans. That kind of bamboo fan is very simple, without any decoration, which can't attract the interest of passers-by. It seems that it can't be sold, and the old woman is very anxious.

Seeing this situation, Wang Xizhi was very sympathetic to the old lady. She went up to him and said, "There are no words on the bamboo fan. Of course not. May I ask you a question? " The old lady doesn't know Wang Xizhi. Seeing his enthusiasm, I gave him a bamboo fan to write letters. Wang Xizhi raised his pen, wrote five words on each face, and then returned them to the old lady.

The old lady can't read, and she feels sloppy and unhappy. Wang Xizhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry. You told the fan buyer that it was written by Wang Youjun. " A Wang Hao left, and the old lady did as he said. This set of people is really Wang Youjun's calligraphy, and they are all eager to buy it. Bamboo fans will be sold out soon.

Wang Xizhi's calligraphy influenced his descendants. His son offered it and was good at cursive writing; Coagulation, as a grass official; Emblem, good cursive script; Fuck it, be good at writing; Huanzhi, good cursive script; Sacrifice is called "little sage".

Wu Zetian tried Wang Xizhi's book, and Wang Fangqing, the ninth great-grandson of Wang Xizhi, presented ten volumes of The Travels of Twenty-eight People to his great-grandfather and compiled Long Live the Tian Tong Post. After Wang Sengqian, Wang Ci and Zhiwang were kings in the Southern Dynasties, regular script was created. During the post-war period, his descendants fell into chaos and lost their genealogy. Later generations are distributed in Shenyang, Helen and other places. Now it is known that the successors are Wang Qingkai, Wang Xiaodan and others.

Baidu encyclopedia-Wang Xizhi