Lianshengzi calligraphy

In 2007, the two women who suffered the most were Lian Sheng (Xu) and Tang Wei. One is ugly and dusty, but it still makes brothers turn against each other and kill each other; A simple and kind, amorous feelings, but in the end he and his comrades were sacrificed. Zhang Ailing said that love doesn't matter whether it is worth it or not, or Wang Jiazhi thought so. Even if that person is a traitor or a running dog, even if it is spurned by ten thousand people, at that moment, he loved her, his eyes were red, and he gave her unprecedented warmth and hope, which may be enough. However, Chen Kexin won't let Lotus see the red veil next year. It seems that Wang Jiazhi is much luckier than Lotus. But there is one thing that Wang Jiazhi can't compare with. That is, eldest brother (Jet Li) once said "marry you" to Lian Sheng himself. This word stands for a promise. In the eyes of many women, it carries more weight than a carat diamond ring. Therefore, from this perspective, there is no regret in Lian Sheng. She once married a man, and another man was willing to marry her. Although Wang Jiazhi has many admirers and Kuang Yumin (Wang Leehom) is crazy about her, after all, no one has said anything about marrying her. The only person who showed his true feelings was the one who tried to assassinate but finally committed suicide.