The Classic of Chinese Studies "Zuo Zhuan": the fifth year of Dinggong

In summer, millet returns to Cai. Yu Yue entered Wu. In June Bingshen, Ji Sun Yiru died. In the seventh month of autumn, Renzi, his uncle and grandson did not dare to die. In winter, Marshal Yang of Jin Dynasty surrounded Xian Yu.

It is said that in the spring of the fifth year, the king killed his son and brought him to Chu.

In the summer, the millet returned to Cai, and Zhou was anxious, but he had no capital.

Yue entered Wu, and Wu was in Chu.

In June, Ji Pingzi went to Dongye and returned, but before he arrived, Bingshen died in his house. Yang Hu was about to catch up with Huan, but Zhongliang Huaifu came with him and said, "Change your steps and change your jade." Yang Hu wanted to chase him away, so he told Gongshan Buhu. Bu Xuan said: "He is the king, why should I complain?" After he was buried, Huanzi traveled to the eastern countryside and paid a fee. Zixie was Fei Zai, and he worked in the suburbs. Huanzi respected him. Lao Zhongliang is pregnant, Zhongliang is pregnant with respect. Zi vented his anger and said to Yang Hu: "What is it that Zi did?"

Shen Baoxu arrived with the Qin army, and Qin Zipu and Zihu sent 500 chariots to rescue Chu. Zi Pu said: "I don't know the way of Wu." He sent the Chu people to fight with the Wu people first, and then joined them in Ji Ji, and defeated their husband and king Yu Yi. The people of Wu were captured by Chuanse in Baiju, and their son Shuai Bentu followed Zixi and defeated the Wu army in Junxiang. In the seventh month of autumn, Ziqi and Zipu destroyed the Tang Dynasty.

In the ninth month, the king returns and becomes independent. After defeating the king in battle, he fled to Chu and became the Tangxi clan. Wu's army defeated Chu's army at Yongxi, and Qin's army defeated Wu's army again. When Master Wu lived in Lu, Ziqi was about to burn it. Zixi said, "The bones of my father and brother are broken. I cannot collect them and burn them again." Ziqi said, "The country has perished! If the deceased knew what they were doing, they could use the old sacrifices. How could that be done?" Are you afraid of burning them?" Burning them, and fighting again, Wu's army was defeated. They also fought at the Gongsu River, where Wu's army was defeated and Wu Zi returned. After he was imprisoned, Junyu asked him to go first, and then he fled back. Hou Zang, the younger brother of Ye Gong and Zhu Liang, followed his mother to Wu and returned without waiting. Ye Gong finally refused to face it.

In Yihai, Yanghu imprisoned Ji Huanzi and his father-in-law Wenbo, and drove away Zhongliang Huai. In the tenth month of winter, Dinghai, why kill the public? Ji Chou, allied with Huanzi in Jimen. Geng Yin, a big curse, chased Gongfu Zha and Qin Xun, and they all rushed to Qi.

Chuzi entered Ying. At the beginning, Dou Xin heard that the Wu people were fighting for the palace, and said: "I heard: 'If you don't give in, there will be discord, and if you don't agree, you can't go on an expedition.' If Wu fights against Chu, there will be chaos. If there is chaos, there will be chaos. How can it be done? "Ding Chu?" Wang Zhi rushed to follow him and was about to enter Chengjiu. Lan Yinqian was involved in his money and did not go with Wang Zhou. Ji Ning, the king wanted to kill him. Zixi said: "Zi often only thinks about old grudges and is defeated. What can you do?" The king said: "Good. If you return to his place, I will do evil before." The king rewarded Douxin, Wangsun Yu, Wangsun Yu, and Zhong. Jian, Douchao, Shenbaoxu, Wangsunjia, Songmu, Douhuai. Zixi said: "Please give up your feelings." The king said: "Great virtue destroys small grievances, this is the way." Shen Baoxu said: "I am the king, not the body. The king is already established, what else do you want? And I, Youzi Banner, who is Zhu?" Then he escaped and was rewarded. The king was about to marry Ji Mi. Ji Mi said: "So I am a woman, far away from my husband. Zhong Jian has betrayed me." He took his wife Zhong Jian as Le Yin.

When the king is here, Zixi will serve the king to protect the road, and the country will be relieved by spleen. When you hear where the king is, follow him. The king's envoy came to the city and ordered him to return the order. Zixi asked Gao Hou what he was doing, but he didn't know. Zixi said: "I can't, just like words. I don't know how tall the city is, how can I know if it's small or big?" He said to him: "I can't say words for sure, and I'm just asking others to do it. Everyone has his or her own abilities and incompetences. When the king encounters a thief in the clouds, I will accept it." The enemy is still there." He showed his back and said, "I can't do anything about it. I can't do anything about the spleen."

Jin Shi martingale surrounded Xianyu and reported it. The battle of watching the tiger.


In the spring of the fifth year, the Chengzhou people killed Wang Zichao in Chu State.

In the summer, the State of Lu sent grain to the State of Cai to provide relief to those in need, pity that they had no food.

The Yue people entered the Wu State because the Wu people were invading the Chu State.

In June, Ji Pingzi visited Dongye and came back but did not arrive. On the 17th, he died on the premises. Yang Hu planned to bury him with beautiful jade, but Zhong Liang refused to give it, saying: "The pace has changed, and beautiful jade will also change." Yang Hu wanted to drive him away and told Gongshan Buxi. Buxuan said: "He is for the king, what do you have against him?" After the burial, Huanzi visited Dongye and arrived at Feidi. Zi Xie was the local butler of Fei, and he greeted him in the suburbs. Huan Zi showed respect to him.

He expressed condolences to Zhonglianghuai, but Zhonglianghuai showed no respect to him. Zi Xie was angry and said to Yang Hu, "Are you going to drive him away?"

Shen Baoxu arrived with the Qin army. Qin's Zi Pu and Zi Hu led 500 chariots. Rescue Chu State. Zipu said: "I don't know the tactics of the Wu army." He asked the Chu army to fight the Wu army first. The Qin army joined the Wu army in Jidi and defeated King Fugai in Yidi. The people of Wu captured Chua She in Baiju. Chua She's son led the fleeing soldiers to follow Zixi and defeated the Wu army at Junxiang.

Autumn, July, Ziqi and Zipu perished in the Tang Dynasty. In September, King Fuqi returned to the country and proclaimed himself king. Because he fought with King Wu Helu, he was defeated and fled to Chu State, where he became the Tangxi clan.

The Wu army defeated the Chu army at Yongxi, and the Qin army defeated the Wu army. The Wu army was stationed in Lu. Ziqi was about to attack the Wu army with fire. Zixi said: "The bones of my father, brothers and relatives are exposed there. It is impossible to burn them if they cannot be collected." Ziqi said: "The country is about to perish! The dead people If they are conscious and the country is restored, they can enjoy the sacrifices of the past. Why are they afraid of burning the bones?" The Chu army set fire to the Wu army, and then attacked again. The Wu army retreated, and then fought at the Gongsu River. The Wu army was defeated, and the king of Wu He went back to his country. Wu Jun captured Jun Yu. Fan Yu then asked to go to Wu State first and took the opportunity to escape back to Chu State. Ye Gong Zhuliang's younger brother Hou Zang was with his mother in the State of Wu. Later, Hou Zang abandoned his mother and returned to the State of Chu. Ye Gong saw that Hou Zang was unkind and unfilial, so he never looked at him directly.

On September 28, Yang Hu imprisoned Ji Huanzi and his father-in-law Wenbo, and expelled Zhong Lianghuai. In winter, on the tenth day of the tenth month, he killed Gong He Miao. On the twelfth day, he and Huanzi made an oath at Jimen. On the 13th, a great curse was held, and the father-in-law Wenbo and Qin Xun were expelled. Both of them fled to Qi State.

King Zhao of Chu entered the capital of Ying. At the beginning, Hu Xin heard that the generals of the Wu army were vying for the palace of Chu State, and said: "I heard: 'If you are not humble, there will be discord, and if there is no harmony, you will not be able to expedition.' When the Wu people fight for the Chu State, something will happen*, something will happen* , they will definitely withdraw their troops and return home. How can Chu be pacified?"

When King Chu Zhao fled to Sui, he wanted to cross the river at Chengjiu. Lan Yinqi used a boat to cross the river first with his wife and son. , If you don’t give the boat to King Chu Zhao, King Chu Zhao will kill him after the Chu Kingdom is stabilized. Zixi said: "Zichang failed because he remembered the past grudges. Why did the king imitate him?" King Zhao of Chu said: "Okay, let Lan Yinquan be reinstated. I will use this incident to remember past mistakes. "King Zhao of Chu rewarded Wei Xin, Wang Sun Yu, Wang Sun Yu, Zhong Jian, Wei Chao, Shen Baoxu, Wang Sun Jia, Song Mu, and Wei Huai. Zixi said: "Please do not reward Huai!" King Zhao of Chu said: "Great virtue eliminates small grudges. This is in line with the right way." Shen Baoxu said: "I am doing it for the king, not for myself. The king has already Now that I am settled, what else should I pursue? And I also hate Ziqi, so why should I imitate Ziqi's greediness?" So Shen Baoxu escaped from King Chu's reward. King Chu Zhao was going to marry Ji Mi, but Ji Mi declined and said, "As a woman, you have to stay away from men. But Zhong Jian has already turned his back on me." King Chu Zhao married her to Zhong Jian and made Zhong Jian the Le Yin.

When King Chu Zhao was following the country, Zixi imitated King Chu Zhao's carriage and clothes to collect and protect the scattered people, and established the capital in Pixie to calm people's hearts. After hearing the whereabouts of King Chu Zhao, he rushed there. King Zhao of Chu sent Wang Sunyu to build a city in Ludi, and Wang Sunyu came back to resume his duties. Zixi asked about the height and thickness of the city wall, but Wang Sun didn't know. Zixi said: "If you can't do it, you should refuse. If you don't know the height and thickness of the city wall and the size of the city, what else do you know?" Wang Sunyu replied: "I firmly refused and said I couldn't do it. It was you who asked me to do it. Let's do it. Everyone has things he can do, and there are things he can't do. The king encountered a robber in Yunmengze, and I blocked the robber's attack. The wound is still here!" Wang Sun took off his clothes and gave his back to his son. Looking to the west, he said: "This is something I can do. I can't do things like establishing the capital of the King of Chu in Pixie."

The Jin martingale soldiers surrounded Xianyu for the purpose of Revenge for the battle in which Guan Hu was captured.

Extended reading: The relationship between the Spring and Autumn Period and Zuo Zhuan

"Zuo Zhuan" is based on "Spring and Autumn" and adopts "Zhou Zhi", "Jin Cheng", "Zheng Shu", Materials from other countries such as "Chu Chu" explain the outline of "Spring and Autumn" by describing the specific historical facts of the Spring and Autumn Period. Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Chronology of the Twelve Princes" said: "Zuo Qiu Ming, a gentleman of Lu, was afraid that all of his disciples would be heresy, and each would follow his own ideas and lose his truth. Therefore, because Confucius' historical records specifically discussed his words, he became the Zuo family in the Spring and Autumn Period." Huan Tan "New Lun" further believes: "The sutras and transmissions of "Zuo Shi" are like the outside and the inside of clothes, and they are inseparable. The sutras are not transmitted, which makes the sage close his door and meditate for ten years without understanding." Yang Bojun said in "Zuo Zhuan" One article concluded that there are four ways in which "Zuo Zhuan" transmits "Chun Qiu": namely, "explaining the calligraphy of "Chun Qiu", supplementing "Chun Qiu" with facts, correcting errors in "Chun Qiu" and adding unscriptural texts."

There is another view that "Zuo Shi" is an independent history book and has no direct connection with "Chun Qiu". Dr. Jin Wenjing of the Western Han Dynasty "called Zuo Shi" as "Chun Qiu". 》". Wang Jie, a native of Jin Dynasty, said: "Jie often said that "Zuo Shi" is rich in rhetoric and meaning. It is a family book and does not focus on the distribution of classics. "Gongyang" is accompanied by scriptures and biographies. The classics are not written down, and the biography should not be published in vain. Chen Shang said: "Confucius wrote the scriptures, praised good and evil, and had clear categories and examples, and Zuo Qiu Ming was the historian of Lu, describing current affairs...the sun is connected to the is not a support. The holy words are bound to decorate the purport of the scriptures, and they are the same as those of the Taishi family... The Master is considered a classic, and it should be ranked with the "Poems", "Books", "Book of Changes", etc.; the reason Qiu Ming is a history, it should be ranked with Sima Qian, Ban Gu, etc. "

Both Liu Fenglu and Pi Xirui of the Qing Dynasty believed that "Zuo Zhuan" was an independent history book. Pi Xirui fully affirmed Wang Jiezhi's theory in "General Theory of Confucian Classics: Spring and Autumn Period" and quoted Zhuang. "Zhuan" in the 26th year of Gong Dynasty: "In autumn, Guo people invaded Jin. In winter, Guo people invaded Jin again." Du Yu's "Ji Jie" said: "In this year, the "Jing" and "Zhuan" each talked about their own affairs. Either the "Jing" is a straight text, or the strategy book exists but the slips are scattered, and the origin is not considered, so the "Zhuan" does not explain it, but just conveys the story."

"Zuo Zhuan" contains a lot of exegesis content, such as "Junzi said", "Fifty Fans", etc., but they are obviously traces of processing, and most of them are not integrated with the text. Lin Li from the Song Dynasty said: "Every word of a gentleman in "Zuo Zhuan" is written by Liu Xin." Some scriptures in "Chun Qiu" do not have corresponding "Zuo Zhuan" biographies, such as "Chun Qiu·Yin Gong's Second Year": "Twelve months in February" "Yimao, Mrs. Zi's death" Du's pre-note: "No biography"

There is no corresponding "Spring and Autumn" text in "Zuo Zhuan", such as "Zuo Zhuan·Xiang Gong's fifteenth year." ": "(Winter) Zheng Gongsun Xia Ru Jin went to the funeral, and Zizhong was buried." There is no corresponding "Spring and Autumn" scripture for this article. There are also those who say "the Jing and Zhuan are not the same" and "the Jing is followed by the Zhuan".