Pan, a famous minister in Qing Dynasty. The first name is Shi Fu, the small word Rilin, the word Tang Huai, the first name is Huaiting, the number is Zhixuan, and the surname Sibu is the old man. The names of the rooms are Yizhenzhai, Sibutang and Songqing. Pan Zhonglan, the sixth ancestor of Pan, moved from Shexian to the north in the Ming Dynasty and settled in Suzhou, which is known as "Wen Bin with beautiful scenery". Experienced Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Xianfeng dynasties, he was called "the elder of the four dynasties". Together with his cousins Pan Shihuang, Sun and Pan Zuyin, he is also known as the "Three Masters of Suzhou" and is the author of Boon Zhai Ji.