Shi's personal anecdote

The death of Emperor Tongzhi caused national mourning. The Qing court stipulated that all entertainment activities should be stopped and no musical instruments should be touched within 0/00 days of the national mourning day. /kloc-After 0/00 days, only plain clothes are allowed. This is equivalent to tearing down the stove for a troupe who lives by singing opera. The troupe in Beijing is in a state of panic. Those small troupes have long since dispersed, and even famous troupes like Chuntai and Sanqing can only perform half of them. Mei Qiaoling, the monitor of Sixi Class, is still putting on a show. He gave everything he had and paid for it in the troupe's expenses. As the saying goes, sitting ducks, at the moment, Mei Qiaoling can no longer support not bottom go to. On this day, Mei Qiaoling came to the stone and said sadly, "Seeing that we have nothing, it's only been half a day since the national mourning, and I'm afraid it won't last long. It is better to dissolve the troupe and have a chance to make a comeback in the future. " In order to help Mei Qiaoling support the troupe, Fu Xiao has spent more than half of his savings, saying: He also knows the situation of Sixi class, but Sixi was the first choice of the famous classes in Beijing at that time, relying on accumulated hardships. If we disperse now, I'm afraid it will never be today's climate again! If eldest brother insists on breaking up Sixi class, Fu Xiao will take the liberty and Fu Xiao will take over Sixi class! In this way, Fu Xiao learned a four-happiness lesson from Nuoda. Fu Xiao at this time can be said to be "in a dangerous moment", but it's hard to say. After all, Shi first sold his property, then pawned his clothes, and finally even took out the brocade box he gave his wife that year. However, difficulties and embarrassment are still forcing Sixi to attend classes day by day.

He went to Hongfu Bank without saying a word to his wife. Boss Yang of Hongfu Bank is a famous ticket. He likes Fu Xiao's plays best. He loves Fu Xiao very much. Whenever he is happy, he always invites Fu Xiao to sing. Boss Yang was overjoyed to see the arrival today. While pulling Fu Xiao into the hall, he said, "Brother Fu, watching the famous operas disband one after another, the opera worms in his stomach are suffering!" FuXiao said, "it won't be long. Cook it again and you can feed the opera worms! " Boss Yang said, "Yes. However, the hardest thing is you. By the way, what is the situation of Sixi Class? " Shi Yue: I am ashamed that the old account owed to Brother Yang has not been calculated, but the new account has been added. If Brother Yang doesn't want to hear it, I'd rather not ask Brother Yang again today! "Say, then got up to leave. On the long list, a piece of paper was quickly written, which read: Shi of Sixi class borrowed some money from Hongfu Bank as a scene of Sixi class during the national mourning, and used Shi's net worth as collateral. Take this written evidence as evidence. Stone apartment is located in Hutong, Xuanwu District. After middle age, Yu Qichun became a disciple. The disciples are all ranked by the word "Xian". Qin Yanxian, for example, not only sang well, but also wrote well. He regretted his untimely death. Other famous artists include Zhang Yunxian, Zhang Zixian, Wu Lingxian, Wu Aixian, Chen Nixian, Chen Tongxian, Wang Yixian, Jiang Shunxian, etc. They were called "Eight Immortals" at that time. 1999 Double Ninth Festival is Shi's birthday. At that time, these eight disciples must arrive at the mansion, which is called "Eight Immortals' Birthday". This "Eight Immortals" is as addicted to alcohol as his teacher Shi, and they are all massive, so they are called "Drunken Eight Immortals". It is said that Shi used to drink in his later years. According to legend, there was an inspector who drank too much. When he went to the opera, he often put the wine at the entrance of the stage. Once Shi performed a play that made people have to drink. He went on stage and drank the wine of Yushi, and then returned to his original position to continue acting. The audience under the stage all laughed.