On the 14th, sails were blown on five sides, and it was ten miles past Usburg in the morning, which was the boundary of Hengzhou. The east wind is very favorable, and it crosses Longshan Beach for forty miles at noon. On the beach is Uman Beach, and there is the Mufubo Temple. The beach is high and steep, and the stone dam is transverse, which is very difficult. As soon as he got on the boat, the boatman offered a temple, stopped less and left. Five miles northwest, it's Uman post. Ten miles to the south, Rocky Mountain stands on the right side of the river, which is Phoenix Mountain. Since crossing the Xishan Mountain in your county, all the mountains have turned to dirt, and even the stone peaks have sprung up. Its double cliffs stand upright and are embedded in the river in the south, that is, the Phoenix Cave. South Erli is a hemp port, and it is already west. I wanted to stay in the place where Phoenix traveled, but the villagers refused to stop the guests and wandered for a long time before leaving. Ten miles to the west, there is a high and protruding mountain on the left side of the river. There is a hole in the mountain called Daojunyan and a village called xie cun. The sun is dusk, and its mountain is far from the river, so it is better to stop. Five miles to the south, it's called Baishabao, five miles from the moon, which makes jathyapple as bright as day.
Uman Beach is 60 miles east of Hengzhou, and there are Uman Mountain and Mafubo Temple on it. What does "zhi" mean? Once upon a time barbarians lived here, hence the name. ? I press: Wu is in the north of your county, which is irrelevant. There is a monument in front of the temple, which was erected by Zhen Ji, king of Nanning County, in the 29th year of Jiajing. Incoming call:? Wuman can't desecrate the ancient famous temple and change its name to Jingtan. ? The monument has far-reaching meaning, and people are forbidden to use their old names, but the appellants remain the same. I have visited many monuments in the temple, all of which are recent officials; In other words, Wang Wencheng's Poems on the Beach was also absent. A monument was erected outside the temple, written by Song (1046) and written by Zhang. Monument to ancient inscriptions. Inscription:? At the beginning of the national quintessence, when he was awarded an official position, he gave Chang Erqing a poem. Really? Map of Cuiguan State in Wuyan? Sentence. Look again when you arrive, but you can't find it. Ask the elders, and the knower says:? Today, Wuman Mountain is Wuyan. In the past, the pseudo-Liu was good at Guangzhou (during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Liu Yin established the Southern Han Dynasty in Guangdong and Guangxi), and he kept it a secret and never changed. ? Fu Man was full of ugliness, and he stole it for a while, so he made the famous temple look like a fairy. He made a mistake and needed to be changed urgently. Everyone who heard it said: No? So I built temples and monuments to correct it. ? Its meaning is the same as that of Wang Nanning. And Wang Zhiyi is respectful, so much the better if he is still old.
On the 15th, five drums hung sails, fifteen miles, Qingjiang River. There is a river from this river to that river. After another twenty miles, I arrived at the south gate of Hengzhou, still in the morning. Hengzhou City is located on the north bank of the Dongjiang River, coming from the west, reaching the city and going to the southeast, and Hengcheng is on the left. Its second door is close to the river. Although it is viewed from the south, it is actually in the southwest. There are two boundary mountains between the north and the south near the city: North Qili Ancient Bowl is in the northwest corner of the city; (commonly known as niangniangshan. During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, a woman named Chen bought fish to cook. Suddenly, the man in white said: Fish can't be eaten, so throw it into the water and go to the top of the mountain to escape. ? Chen Ruqi said. Looking back at where I live, I am trapped in a pool. Its pool is now called Longchi, and the peak temple is called Shengpo Temple. ) Bao Hua is 0/5 mile to the south/kloc, in the southeast corner of the city. Baohuashan has poems about the immortal Buddha, which is the place where Wen Jun built the city. ) These two mountains are full of hills and hills, and Bao Hua is the highest. What do you mean? Xiucheng south? Yeah, yeah. (Song Shou Xu Anguo's poem. At that time, he was Weiyu in Chuzhou, our county. There are also people who send books, all of whom are in the middle of Gu's letters in Yulin Road. When they crossed Hengzhou, they robbed. Therefore, the previous depression is too horizontal now, and everyone has to turn around and leave. If the creator steals with his hands, he will not dare to steal the Yin Hongqiao with the meaning that everything else will never be seen.
Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I entered the Nanning ship with my luggage and two patients. When you enter the city, you eat in the city, but go east along the city and the river, and you will reach the summer capital in the second mile. (There are three crossings in Hengzhou: those in the far west, outside the state gate, are crossings; The extreme east turns to the Arctic Temple in front of the downstream east, which is the next intersection; And Zhongdu is among them. ) cross the south bank, [for Baohua Mountain Road] and climb the hillside again. Its road is very big, * * * 20 miles, crossing mountains and mountains, and its inner mountains are surrounded by caves. From the cave to the northeast, there is a path, and you can reach Phoenix Mountain in 20 miles. Follow the canyon southbound, * * * five miles, that is, climb south from Qiling on the right. One mile south, one mile through Montessori villa, and one mile east into the mountains. In the second mile, through the mountain and the village where you live, this is Bao Hua Temple. I walked through the bushes and entered it, and then I knew that the temple was still halfway up the mountain. Cross the stream, climb the stairs and walk for half a mile, and you will arrive at the temple. In the afternoon, the monks closed their doors. After a long time, they came in. Its temple faces west, and its door is complete. What's the topic? Wanshan is the first? . This word is very old. At first, when I watched it, I remembered the old topic of building Wen Jun, expecting that it was established by Shi Yi at the end of Wanli. The furious just built the door and updated the forehead, and the first book had its own name and set the trace of Wen Jian; After asking the monk, I knew Guo's handwriting. Yu Wei? The expression is very appropriate. ? Monk? Be passive. ? There are no other relics in the temple, only monks guard the door and the bells are silent. Ask the so-called waterfall behind the mountain, monk cloud:? Falling from the back ridge, it is 100 feet high. The canyon is covered with trees and there is no way out. You can't see it, but you can hear it from the ridge. ? Yu Nai ordered the monk to cook in the temple, and dragged his staff to the ridge alone to build its roof. And the sound of the wind and the waterfall, the roar, the waterfall will eventually disappear. The next five miles in Lingnan is Lingshan. ) is to return to the temple. On the hill behind the temple, I saw the bricks piled up. Still asking, the monk said: The man surnamed Yang here wants to build the Wendi Temple, so (P? Prepare materials for your ears. ? Whew! Shi Yi's latest hidden trace, this person chased far away and created his temple. What a difference between wisdom and stupidity! After sunset, the wind roared and the clouds opened and closed indefinitely. The cloud marks suddenly broke and the sky was shining. Drunk customers who participate in a store, supplemented by Huang Xiangjiao Danyou. The empty mountain is quiet, the jade garden is clean, and one guest and one monk are opposite. It can be called a group of Yushan, which is worthy of my autumn colors.
/kloc-Have breakfast in Bao Hua on 0/6. Five miles down the mountain, five miles outside the road and five miles outside the cave ridge. Look at the Phoenix Stone Peak in the northeast. You can see it 30 miles away. It's amazing. But after repeated inquiries, it didn't take that long to go back and forth. The Nanning ship is scheduled to leave early tomorrow morning and then go down the mountain. Arrive at the state gate five miles west, and cross the river from above to board the boat.
On the 17th, a leaf boat set sail in the head-up view, the rain was quiet and the wind was against the wind. Three miles southwest of the ship, there is a small estuary from Jiang Nanan. The name of this river is Nanjiang. The ship turned northbound and reached Chenbujiang in ten miles. There is also the Chenbujiang Temple, which was also built by Wenjun, where Qinzhou salt came from. ) moored on the north shore. Forty miles a day. I heard that I became dysentery after my illness, so I kept the precepts for fear of polluting the river and letting it accumulate dirt and stink all over the cabin. If you don't have the same alkane, you can't care about it. )