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Liu Yong's Recent Love
I don't regret that my belt is getting wider and wider, which makes people haggard for Iraq.
It's no problem to lean against a dangerous building.
Looking forward to spring sorrow, the sky is dark.
In the afterglow of grass and smoke.
Who knows why I lean on the tracks silently?
I'm getting drunk.
When drinking is a song, strong music is still tasteless.
I don't regret widening my belt.
It's worth getting tired for my coquetry.
Basic meaning
Missing, just like that song, is a very mysterious thing, which makes people wonder. Miss a friend just to see if he is doing well, tell him the truth, play with him and get together. Missing love is beautiful. If you want to know everything about him (her), sometimes you will think about whether he (she) thinks of you when he (she) is quiet, when he (she) wants to hug him (her), when he (she) is happy, and when you used to get along with him (her). You can't help laughing and crying on your face. This is the best time to miss someone you love the most, no matter what you do.