1. Respect relevant classical Chinese verses
Yangzi’s Song Dynasty was on a journey against the odds.
The traveler has two concubines, one of them is beautiful, the other is evil, the evil one is noble and the beautiful one is cheap. When Yangzi asked why, Nilu Xiaozi replied: "The beautiful ones are beautiful in themselves, but I don't know their beauty; the evil ones are evil in themselves, and I don't know their evils."
Yangzi said: "Disciple Remember! If you go on a virtuous journey, you will not love it!" Yangzi (Yang Zhu) went to Song Dynasty and stayed in an inn. The owner of the inn has two concubines, one of whom is very beautiful and the other of whom is very ugly.
The ugly ones are favored, but the beautiful ones are not. When Yoko asked why, the owner of the inn replied: "The beautiful one thinks she is beautiful, but I don't think she is beautiful; the ugly one thinks she is ugly, but I don't think she is ugly."
Yangzi said: "Disciples, remember this sentence. Once a virtuous person changes his behavior that he thinks is virtuous, how can he not be respected by others?
2. About Classical Chinese Prose of Respect
In the Song Dynasty, Yang Zi lived in the reverse journey.
The reverse traveler has two concubines, one of whom is beautiful and the other is evil. The evil one is noble and the beautiful one is cheap. When the Master asked him why, the young boy on the journey against him said to him: "The beautiful ones are themselves beautiful, but I do not know their beauty; the evil ones are themselves evil, and I do not know their evil." "
Yangzi said: "Disciple, remember it! To practice virtuous conduct and leave the course of self-virtuous conduct is to leave without loving it! " Yangzi (Yang Zhu) went to the Song Dynasty and stayed in an inn. The owner of the inn had two concubines, one of whom was beautiful and one of whom was ugly.
The ugly one is favored, and the beautiful one is favored. On the contrary, she was not favored. When Yoko asked why, the owner of the inn replied: "The beautiful one thinks she is beautiful, but I don't think she is beautiful; the ugly one thinks she is ugly, but I don't think she is ugly. . "
Yangzi said: "Disciples, please remember this sentence. Once a virtuous person changes his behavior that he thinks is virtuous, how can he not be respected by others? .