In fact, Zhou Wang is a very capable person. He managed the southeast and consolidated the unification of Dongyi and the Central Plains, which made great contributions in history. Zhou Wang conquered Dongyi and won the battle, but it also suffered great losses. There are too many prisoners to digest. In fact, its cultivation and mana are no worse than that of scattered fairy Yunzhongzi. Coupled with the blessing of the eye, it is impossible not to see that da ji, who lives with Zhou Wang day and night, is a fox. Master Wen can't eradicate the Millennium fox because he has no choice but to have difficulties.
In China's myths and legends, there are not many ghosts and gods with three eyes. Although the number is small, there are six people in The Romance of the Gods: Master Wen, Lv Yue, Yin Jiao, Liang Wen, Mashan and Luo Xuan. It should be the fellow martial sister of Master Wen. As far as strength is concerned, Su Daji is not inferior to Wen Zhong. Perhaps Master Wen's injury per second is a thief, but Su Daji's specialization charm can successfully capture and control Zhou Wang's mind, which is beyond Master Wen's power; Jiang Ziya sent Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and Huang Tianhua to attack the joint venture at night, and Kong Xuan calculated it in advance. This is the eye of the eye.
Although Yang Jian is a disciple of three generations, he is not under the twelve immortals, and his eye is even more remarkable. At war with Justin, Justin cast seventy-two changes, and the Emperor of Heaven ordered him to convene three religions to discuss the list of gods, and Nu Wa Empress agreed. It is certain to respect God, but whether Zhou can replace Shang depends on the nature of Shang and Zhou, which is ambiguous.