I entered a word in the Hongxiu Encyclopedia entry, why is it not approved? Are there any other requirements?

LZ, maybe the name of your entry is incorrect. Hongxiu Encyclopedia entry names have their own standard specifications. Only entry names that meet this specification can be created.

For example: 1. The entry name must be a declarative word, and cannot be added before or after the entry. Modifying words, except for ambiguous entries.

Correct examples: Zhang Ailing, Zhang Xiaoxian

Incorrect examples: famous writer Zhang Ailing, emotional writer Zhang Xiaoxian

2. The entry name cannot contain special symbols and spaces.

Error examples: %, *, ~, >, #, etc.

3. The entry name cannot contain typos.

Incorrect examples: Zhang Xiaoxian, Zhang Ailing.

4. The entry name cannot be the topic of discussion.

For example: "Who is your favorite romance novel author?" is not appropriate.