The Analects of Confucius —— Xiang Tuo's Examination of Confucius

There are no fish in the well water; Fireflies have no smoke; Dead trees have no branches; Thnbsp is the story of Confucius in Xiang Tuo. One day, Confucius traveled around the world in a carriage and came to a place. He saw a child sitting in a "city" surrounded by mud. Confucius said, "Why not avoid the carriage when you see it?" Nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp The child blinked and replied, "I heard that you, Mr. Kong, know astronomy, geography and human feelings." Nbsp I didn't see you clearly. Because from ancient times to now, I only heard that cars avoid the city. How do cities avoid cars? Confucius paused and asked, "What's your name?" "The child replied," My name is Xiang Tuo. "nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp In order to save face, Confucius thought a lot of questions and asked Xiang Tuo," Your mouth is very powerful. I want to test you-why are there no stones on the mountain? "What there is no fish in the water? What door has no latch? What car has no wheels? What cows don't calve? What horse doesn't have a foal? What knife has no ring? What fire has no smoke? What man has no wife? What woman has no husband? Which day is too short? Which day is too long? What is male and female? What tree has no branches? Which city has no officials? Who doesn't have an alias? " After asking, Confucius stared at Xiang Tuo and smiled. Xiang Tuo thought for a moment and said, "Listen-there are no stones on the muddy mountain;" There are no fish in the well water; A door without a door has no latch; The sedan chair carried by people has no wheels; Mud cows don't calve; Trojan horses don't have foals; There is no ring on the machete; Fireflies have no smoke; Immortals have no wives; Fairy has no husband; The days are short in winter; The days are long in summer; Lonely males have no females; Dead trees have no branches; Empty cities have no officials; The child has no pseudonym. " Nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp Confucius was stunned. The child was incredibly clever! Xiang Tuo asked Confucius, "Now it's my turn to test you-why can geese and ducks float on the water?" ? Why do geese and cranes sing well? Why are pines and cypresses evergreen in winter and summer? Confucius replied, "Goose and duck float on the water because their feet are square; Hongyan and crane are good at singing because of their long necks. The reason why pines and cypresses are evergreen in winter and summer is that their tree hearts are solid. "nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp" No! "Xiang Tuo said loudly," can turtles float on the water because of their feet? Frogs are good at singing. Is it because their necks are long? Is Hu Zhu evergreen in winter and summer because their stems are solid? "nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp Confucius thought the child was too learned to argue with him himself, so he had to hand over and say," The afterlife is terrible, the afterlife is terrible! "Have spent I drove around.