2, say a gentleman, warm as jade. -Qin Rong, translated by Zhou Dynasty: Missing her husband is as warm as jade.
3. Confucius said: "A gentleman is harmonious but different, and a villain is not harmonious." A gentleman can maintain a harmonious atmosphere with his surroundings, but he must have his own opinions on everything, instead of blindly echoing others' opinions; Little people have no opinions of their own. Although they are always consistent with others, they don't really care about real harmony.
4, Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement. -Shang Dynasty: Ji Chang translated Zhouyi: The universe keeps running, and people should follow the example of heaven and earth and make constant progress forever.
5. A gentleman dies as a bosom friend and raises his sword out of Yanjing. -Wei and Jin Dynasties: Tao Yuanming's "Ode to Jing Ke" Translation: A gentleman died for his bosom friend, and Jing Ke will bid farewell to Yanjing.