This is from the Analects of Confucius, in which "a gentleman speaks without doing anything." Refined and developed, "a gentleman wants to speak slowly and act quickly." A gentleman should be careful what he says. What it really means is that people should be careful what they say and do, because disaster comes from their mouths. If they don't speak carefully, they will hurt themselves and others, causing trouble and even disaster. Confucius said, "A gentleman does not think about satiety and security. If he is sensitive to things and cautious about what he says, he will have an appropriate way, be honest and be eager to learn. " Confucius said: "A gentleman doesn't ask for a full stomach, a stable residence, diligence and spirit, but only for caution. In this way, he can be said to be studious. " Confucius said, "The ancients could not speak and were ashamed to bow." Confucius said, "It's hard to say what the ancients said, and I'm afraid they can't do it."
What are the idioms that describe "say less and do more"
Don't short the name [bù wù kō ng mí ng]; Pursuit. Work hard, don't pursue fame and fortune.
3. due diligence [[jρng jρng yèè] due diligence: describe caution; Karma: the appearance of fear. Describe caution and diligence.
4. Forget about eating and sleeping [fèi qǐn wàng shí] Waste: Stop. I forgot to sleep and eat. Describe to concentrate on your efforts.
5. Down-to-earth [ji m: o tà shí di] step on solid land. Metaphor is practical and serious.