You may delay, but time will not. I quoted the Analects of Confucius and Yang Huo as saying, "The sun and the moon have no light, and the years are not with me." This is what Yang Huo said when he persuaded Confucius to go into politics. * * * Three sentences, one sentence after another, the language is magnificent, this is the last sentence.
Seize the day, from "Man Jianghong and Comrade Guo Moruo": "Heaven and earth turn, time waits for no one. Ten thousand years is too long to seize the day. "
The Analects of Confucius by Yang Huo.
Yang Huo wanted to see Confucius, but Confucius didn't see him, so he went back to Confucius. When Confucius died, he went to worship him.
Encounter all kinds of smears. Confucius said, "Come! If I give it to you. " Yue: "Is it good to be fascinated by its treasures?" Say "No" "When you are good at it and you lose, can you still be called Zhihu?" Said: "No" "The sun and the moon have no light, and the years are not with me."
Confucius said, "Say yes, I will be an official."
Yang Huo wanted to invite his son with a hole to visit him, but Confucius didn't want to see him, so he gave Confucius a steamed pig. Confucius secretly found that Yang Huo was not at home, so he went to visit him. The two met on the road. Yang Huo said to Confucius, "Come here! I have something to say to you. " [Confucius approached, Yang Huo] said, "Can you call it benevolence to hide your strength and hide your strength and make the country chaotic?"
Confucius said, "No way." [Yang Huo added:] "Like to participate in politics and miss opportunities many times, can it be called wisdom?" Confucius said, "No." Yang Huo added, "Time has changed and time waits for no one." Confucius said, "OK, I want to be an official."