The complete poem of Autumn Harvest and Winter Storage is that the sky and earth are dark and yellow, the universe is vast, the sun and moon are waxing and waning, the stars and constellations are arranged, the cold comes and summer comes, the autumn harvests and winter hides. When the leap year is over, the law Lu adjusts the Yang. The clouds turn into rain, and the dew condenses into frost. Gold comes from Lishui, and jade comes from Kungang. The sword is called Juque, and the pearl is called Luminous. The fruit is precious, plum, and the vegetable is heavy on mustard and ginger. The sea is salty and the river is light, and the scales are hidden and the feathers are flying. The dragon master, the fire emperor, the bird official and the human emperor. When writing was first made, it was to wear clothes.
Complete verses of Autumn Harvest and Winter Storage
When people gave up their thrones, there was Yu Tao and Tang Dynasty. To punish the people and punish their crimes, Zhou issued Yin Tang. He sat down and asked, bowing his head to the ground. He loves and educates Li Shou, and his ministers serve the Rong and Qiang. Far and near are one, leading guests to return to the king. The phoenix sings in the bamboo, and the white horse eats. Transformed into vegetation, it reaches all directions. Covering this body and hair are the four elements and five constant elements. Gong Wei Ju Yang, how dare you damage it. Women admire chastity, and men admire virtue. If you know your mistakes, you must correct them, and if you are able, never forget them. Don't talk about each other's shortcomings, but rely on your own strengths.
The messenger can be overturned, but the desire of the weapon is difficult to measure. The ink dyes the silk with sorrow, and the poem praises the lamb. Jingxing is a virtuous person, and Ke Nian is a saint. Virtue builds a reputation, and the form is upright. Sound can be heard in an empty valley, and people can listen to it in an empty hall. Misfortune is caused by bad accumulation, good luck is celebrated. A ruler and a piece of biscuit are not treasures, and an inch of yin is a competition. The father-in-law serves the king with strictness and respect. To be filial is to do your best, to be loyal is to do your best. When you are in a deep place, you are on thin ground, and you are warm and warm. It's as fresh as a orchid and as prosperous as a pine tree. The stream flows endlessly and is reflected in the clear water.
The tone is calm and thoughtful, and the words are calm. Sincerity is beautiful at the beginning, caution is appropriate in the end. The foundation of a prosperous career has no end. He studied well and became an official, and became a regent and engaged in politics. Keep it as Gantang, go and chant it again. Music differentiates between high and low, etiquette differentiates between high and low. There is harmony above and below, and the husband sings and the wife follows. After being trained by Fu outside, he entered the ceremony of worshiping his mother. All the aunts and uncles are like sons and daughters. Brothers Kong Huai are like brothers. Score points for making friends, and sharpen rules and regulations. Kindness and compassion are hidden, and no mistakes can be made.
Be honest and upright, and be honest and honest. Quiet in nature and relaxed in emotion, with agitated heart and tired mind. Keep the truth and be full of ambition, and chase things and change your mind. Adhere to elegance and be good at self-discipline. The city is called Huaxia, and there are two capitals in the east and west. With Mang on its back and Luo on its face, it floats on Wei and holds Jing. The palace is gloomy and the view from the tower is startling. Pictures depict animals and colorful fairies. Next to Bing's house is opened, and A's tent is opposite to the couplet. A banquet was set up, with drums, harps and sheng played. Upgraded to accept the emperor, turned into a star of doubt. The right leads to Guang Nei, and the left reaches Cheng Ming.
It not only gathers tombs, but also gathers heroes. Du Manuscript, Zhongli, and lacquered script on the wall. Luo is the general and prime minister of the mansion, and Huaiqing is the hero of the road. The household was sealed in eight counties, and the family was given thousands of soldiers. The high crown accompanies the chariot, driving the hub and vibrating the tassels. The world is luxurious and rich, and the car is fat and light. The achievements are substantial and the inscriptions are inscribed on the tablets. Yiyin in Fengxi, Aheng in Zuoshi. Amazhai, Qufu, Wei Dan, who camp. Duke Huan helped the weak and supported the weak. Qi returned to Hanhui and said she was grateful to Wu Ding. Junyi is secretive, but many scholars are indifferent.
Jin and Chu were more domineering, while Zhao and Wei were in dire straits. The false way will destroy Guo, and the true soil will make an alliance. Why obey the contract and law, Han Chao is troublesome and punished. Qi Jian is quite animal husbandry, and he is the most skilled in military use. Xuanwei Desert is famous for its paintings. The traces of Yu in Jiuzhou and the merger of hundreds of counties with Qin. Yuezong Taidai, Zen master Yunting. Yanmen Zisai, Jitian Chicheng. Kunchi Jieshi, Juye Dongting. The vastness is vast and the mountains are vast, and the rocks are deep and dark. The root cause of the problem lies in agriculture, and the main purpose is to cultivate crops. I live in the south, and I am good at millet and millet.
If you pay taxes, pay tribute to new ones, and encourage rewards to depose the emperor. Meng Ke Dunsu, Shi Yu upright. The common people are moderate, but I sincerely give this order. Listen to the sound and observe the reasoning, and discern the appearance and color. It's good for Jiyou, so it can only be planted. Save yourself from ridicule, favor and increase your resistance. It was almost humiliating, so Lin Gao was lucky. When the two of them see an opportunity, who will force them to break up? Living alone in a quiet place, silent and lonely. Seek the ancients and seek theories, and relax your worries. Happy to play and tired of sending, thank you and welcome to recruit. The calendar of the lotus in the canal is drawn in the garden.
The loquats are green in the late season, and the sycamores wither in the early stages. Chen Gen is in the shade, and the fallen leaves are swaying. The wandering Kun travels alone, Lingmo Jiangxiao. Spend time reading, playing the market, and looking at the bags and boxes. It is easy to be frightened, and it belongs to the ear wall. The food is suitable for eating and filling the intestines. When you are full, you will cook and slaughter, but when you are hungry, you will be tired of the chaff. The fan is round and clean, and the silver candle is bright. Sleeping during the day and sleeping at night, the blue bamboo shoots look like a bed.
Enjoy the banquet with music and wine, take the glasses and raise the wine. Straighten your hands and stamp your feet, you will be happy and healthy. Refers to the salary to repair the evil, and the eternal peace will be auspicious. Leading the way step by step, looking up at the corridor temple. The girdle is tied to the villa, wandering and looking around. Ignorance, ignorance, etc. are criticized. The predicate helps, that's why.