Source: Guiguzi's Yin Fu Jing
Guiguzi said: I don't want future generations to be kings, collect treasures and entrust money and goods. If I can abandon it, it's not too difficult to pour the river into the sea. The eater therefore cured all the skeletons, lost time and gave birth to all the skeletons; The mobile is too safe, so he lost the opportunity and hurt everything. Therefore, no time is instantaneous, the first one is too much, and the last one is inferior. Punctuality is wise, and unscrupulous people save their lives.
Guiguzi said: the relationship between heaven and earth, the relationship between everything and people is unknown to each other, but it can be called one god. These three aspects are more than horses and chariots, gold and silk. When you give up, you can pour rivers and fill the sea, move mountains and cover land, and don't follow the fate, and you will get a response later. Guiguzi said: We should warn the future monarch not to amass treasures. If we can give up these things, it is not difficult to dump the river and fill the sea. Although diet can cure all diseases, losing opportunities will lead to all diseases; Exercise can make everything calm, but losing opportunities will hurt everything. So time is limited and there is no room for instant delay. It will be too early and too late. Therefore, smart people are good at grasping the opportunity, and unscrupulous people will only save their lives.
Brief Introduction of Yin Fu Classic of Huangdi: Also known as Yin Fujing. Li Zhi can be divided into "the way that the gods hold one", "the way to enrich the country and help the people" and "the way that Qiang Bing wins". The book discusses health preservation by metaphor, and fools do not look up the tactics in Sun Tzu's Art of War or Su Qin's Taigong Yin Fu's Plan, which are far from achieving their goals. For example, "Pure Yang Plays Ji Zhen Jing, Emperor Blesss", the whole article is written in military terms, and people who don't know it will recognize it as a military book at first glance.