Lilac's poem is as follows:
Blue birds do not convey foreign messages, lilacs are empty and sad in the rain; plum pistils are heavy, why are they vulgar, lilacs are knotted with a thousand knots and grow bitterly; plantains do not show their lilacs We are tied together in the spring breeze and each has our own sorrow; when the Yao Ji has passed away for a thousand years, the lilacs and bamboos cry out to the old ape; the partial resentment is the Fang Festival, thousands of knots of lilacs are knotted in the courtyard; the falling trees are rustling, and the honeysuckle is vomiting under the glass leaves; I have no intention of competing for the first place, The plum blossoms are not jealous of each other;
Now it is difficult to recall the past, and return to the dream to wander around the Qin Tower; The sorrowful person has been through thousands of miles of dreams, but it is ruthless; the frost tree has all its empty branches, and the heart is broken by the lilac knot; the lovesickness is only in: the lilac branch Above, cardamom leaves are on top; the west window is white, the cool moon is shining, and the courtyard is covered with lilac snow; the blue clouds have their own black dragon seeds, and Pan Fei does not have lilac flowers; the love of spring is endless, but still has the nostalgia for the old child; I want to know the size of the square, how many breasts there are Qingchou, bananas do not show lilac knots;
Introduction to lilac:
It is a plant of the genus Lilac in the family Oleaceae; twigs, inflorescence axis, pedicel, bracts, calyx, both sides of young leaves and Petioles are densely covered with glandular hairs; leaves are leathery or thickly papery, oval or kidney-shaped, apex is short convex or long acuminate, base is heart-shaped, truncated or broadly wedge-shaped; panicle is upright, emerging from lateral buds; corolla is purple , the corolla tube is cylindrical, the fruit is oval or oblong; the flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from June to October.
Gao Lian mentioned in "Cao Hua Pu": "Lilac flowers are woody, with tiny ding-like flowers, fragrant and soft petals, and purple color, hence the name lilac." Lilac is a unique ornamental flower and tree in my country. One of them has a cultivation history of more than 1,000 years. Distributed in Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei and other regions. It is a companion tree species in the understory shrub layer of summer broad-leaved forests and mountain shrubs in forest steppe areas.
It likes light and is slightly tolerant of shade. It grows weakly in shade or semi-shade and blooms sparsely. It likes warmth and moisture, and has strong cold and drought tolerance. It is tolerant of barrenness and prefers fertile soil. It should not be planted in low-lying areas. The propagation methods of lilac include sowing, cutting, grafting, division and layering. Cultivated varieties are often grafted. Ligustrum lucidum and water wax tree are commonly used for grafting into bricks and wood.
According to the "Changbai Mountain Phytomedicine Chronicles", lilac can clear away heat, detoxify and reduce inflammation, and is mainly used to treat acute jaundice hepatitis. External antibacterial, explosive eye inflammation, various sores, swelling and pain. The fragrance of lilac enters the nose and refreshes the soul. It is widely planted in courtyards, institutions, factories, mines, residential areas and other places.
For a long time, people have often used the budding lilac flower as a metaphor for the difficulty in resolving depression. It carries resentment, suffering and sorrow, and is the sustenance deliberately sought by literati. However, we must have the mood to appreciate flowers, and we must also have the determination to untie the knot.