King Chu Ping had a prince named Jane, who made Wu She a teacher and Fei Wuji a little teacher. Mowgli is not loyal to the Prince Jian. King Ping ordered Mowgli to marry the Prince of Qin Wei, and the daughter of Qin was good. Mowgli retaliated by saying, "The daughter of Qin is beautiful, and the king can have it for himself, and the prince is even more married." So he married Qin's daughter, loved her and gave birth to a child. More princes take wives.
Mowgli flattered the king with his Qin daughter, and went to the prince to flatter the king. I am afraid that once the king dies and the prince stands up, I will commit suicide because Wang Zijian made it. Cai's daughter doesn't like it. Wang Ping benefited a little from the sparse architecture, which made the architecture the father of the city and prepared for the border guards.
A moment later, mowgli said day and night that the prince was shorter than the king: "The prince can't be resentful because of Qin's daughter. I hope the king will bring less of his own." Since the prince lives in the city, he is a soldier and a diplomatic vassal, and he wants to go to the DPRK for an insurrection. "Wang Pingnai called his teacher Uzzie to inquire about it. Wu Shehua knew that Mowgli wanted the Prince to be King Ping, because he said, "Why did Wang Dun make a thief feel close to a small official?" Mowgli said, "If Wang Jin doesn't control it, it will be finished. The king and bird watching. " So he was furious, imprisoned Wu She, and made the city father Sima Fenyang kill the prince. Before leaving, Fenyang sent someone to tell the prince: "The prince is in a hurry, or he will be punished." "Prince Ben Song of Jian Wu.
Mowgli said to Ping, "Wu She has two sons, both of whom are virtuous. If you don't punish them, you are worried about Chu. It can be called by its father, otherwise it will be a disaster for Chu. " The king's envoy said, "You can give birth to your second son, but if you can't, you will die." Wu She said, "You're kind, and you came at once. A strong and patient person can achieve great things, and he won't come when he sees it. The king didn't listen, so he called his second son and said, "Come, I'll give birth to your father;" If you don't come, kill luxury today. Wu Shang wanted to go, and the official said, "Chu called my brother here because he didn't want my father. He was afraid that those who left would have future troubles. Therefore, taking the father as the quality, pretending to be the second son. " When the second son arrived, both father and son died. What happened to Fu Yi's death? Go ahead, make it impossible to report. It is better to go to other countries to take advantage of the shame of Xuefu, kill them all and do nothing. Wu Shang said: "I know that I can't live my father's life in the end." However, I hate that my father told me to live, but then I can't be ashamed, and I will eventually smile for the world. Call the team members: "You can go!" If you can avenge my father's death, I will die. "Is holding, the angel of the catch wu xu. Wu used a bow to shoot an arrow at the messenger, who dared not enter, so Wu Xu died. I heard that the prince was built by the Song Dynasty, so I followed him. Hearing the death of Zixu, he said, "Chu, Jun and Chen are all worried. "Wu Shang belongs to Chu, and Chu kills luxury and business.
When Wu Xu arrived in the Song Dynasty, there was a Fahrenheit chaos in the Song Dynasty, but he and Prince Jian ran in Zheng. Zheng people are very kind. Jin Qinggong said, "The prince is good at honesty, and he believes in the prince. The prince can work for me. If I attack from outside, I will destroy Zheng. Destroy Zheng and seal the prince. " Prince Zheng, too. If things don't happen, they will be selfish and want to kill their followers. If followers know their plans, they will tell Zheng. Zheng and Zi Chan killed Prince Jian. There are also points of interest. Wu Xu was afraid, but he ran to Wu with victory. You go to Zhaoguan, Zhaoguan wants to win. Wu Xu and Sheng left alone, and he couldn't get away. The pursuers are in the back. By the river, there was a fisherman on the river. Knowing that Wu Xu was in a hurry, he crossed Wu Xu. When Wu Xu crossed the river, he untied his sword and said, "This sword is a hundred gold, so that he can be with his father." Father said: "The law of Chu is that Wu Xu Zhe gave 50,000 stones, which is a golden warning that does no good!" No. Before Wu Xu arrived in Wu, he fell ill and stopped to beg on the way. As for Wu He, they are just doing things. Wu Xu loves to see the king of Wu only because of his son.
For a long time, King Chu Ping used his border town to look down on Liang's silkworm. Two women attacked each other for the silkworm, and they were furious. As for the dispatch of troops, the two countries fought against each other. Wu Lingzi cut Chu lightly and pulled out the clock. Wu Zixu said, Wu Wangliao said, "Chu can be broken. I wish you another light. The son said to the king of Wu, "His father and brother in Wu Xu persuaded the king of Wu to attack the State of Chu in order to kill him, and he wanted to turn himself in. ".Cutting Chu is unbreakable. "Wu Xu know childe light ambitious, want to kill the king of qi and self-reliance, what also can't say it, but the childe light became Zhuan Xu, retreat to the field with the son of prince Jiansheng.
In five years, King Chu Ping died. At the beginning, Wang Ping built the Crown Prince into the son of a girl in A Qin and a pawn in Wang Ping, but after that, he was appointed as Wang Zhao. Because of Chu's funeral, Wu Wangliao sent his second son to attack Chu. Zhu Fabing can't go back to Wu Bing. The kingdom of Wu was empty, but the son just made Zhuan Xu attack and stand on his own feet, thinking of the prince. He Lv, when it was founded, was successful, but called five members to be pedestrians and seek state affairs.
Miao Miao, the minister of Chu State, and Li Zili, the grandson of Li, died and went to the State of Wu, which also hired Bo as a doctor. The people sent by the former Liao Wang to attack Chu are gone forever. Later, I heard that Wang stood on his own feet, so he led his troops to surrender to the State of Chu, which named him Shu. Three years after the establishment of He Lu, Wu Xu and Ai Bo fought against Chu and Shu, and became generals against Wu Er. Because he was eager to reach the finish line, General Sun Wu said, "People can't work, they can only wait." Is to return.
In four years, Wu attacked Chu and took Liuhe II. In five years, if you cut it, you will fail. In six years, the king of Chu Zhao ordered Zibaowa to fight against Wu. Wu asked the five officers to meet him, defeated the Chu army and occupied the home of Chu.
In nine years, the king of Wu summoned Zi Xu and Sun Wu, saying, "What did you get from the beginning?" ? The second son said to him, "Chu is greedy, but both Tang and Cai complained." If the king wants to cut, he must first get Tang and Cai Naike. "He Lv heard that Xing Shi and Tang and Cai attacked Chu, and Chu was trapped in Hanshui and Chen. The brother-in-law of the king of Wu invited soldiers to follow, but the king of Wu didn't listen, so he attacked the general of Chu with his 5 thousand men. At the age of two, King Zhao of Chu went to the fortress. Chen Geng and Wu Wang entered Ying. Son repeatedly defeated, running for Zheng. So Wu pursued the victory, fought five battles, and then arrived at Ying.
Wang Zhao died and entered a cloud dream; Stealing the king and attacking the king will kill him. Brother Yun Huai said, "King Ping killed my father and I killed his son. Nothing! " Yungong was afraid that his brother would kill the king and ran away with him. Wu Bing then said: "If the descendants of Zhou are in Hanchuan, Chu will destroy them." Just as people want to kill the king, the prince hides the king and he is the king himself. It is unlucky to be with the king in Wu, but thank you that Wu is not with the king.
When the first officer who made friends with Shen was also called Bao Yong's death, "I will get back to Chu. Bao Xu said, "I will keep it." When Wu Bing entered Ying, Wu Zixu asked. I won't, but I dug up the tomb of King Chu Ping, took out his body, flogged it three hundred times, and then. Shen died in the mountains, which made people call Zi Xu: "What is the reward for Zi?"? "! I heard that many people can conquer nature and nature can break people. Today, Minister Wang Ping's son works pro-North. Today, as for the dead, there is no heaven! Wu Zixu said, "thank Shen for me. He said, I can't travel far in the future, so I do the opposite. " So Shen went to Qin for help. Qin forbid it. I cried for seven days and seven nights. Qin Aigong pitied him and said, "Although Chu has no way, if there is a minister, there is nothing left!" He sent 500 chariots to save Chu and attack Wu. In June, I was defeated by Ji. The King of Wu stayed in Chu for a long time to look for Wang Zhao, but his brother-in-law died and became king alone. Hearing this, he released Chu and came back, beating his brother-in-law almost. My husband almost failed and went to Chu. When he saw the civil strife in Wu, he returned to Ying. My husband is almost in Tangxi, and he is Tangxi's family. Chu Ci fought against Wu, defeated Wu, and the king of Wu returned.
At the age of two, He Lv ordered Prince Fu Cha to attack Chu and take it. Chu was afraid of coming, but he still went to Ying and moved to Ying. At that time, under the negotiation of Wu Zixu and Sun Wu, Wu conquered Chu in the west, Qi Jin in the north and Yue in the south.
In the next four years, Confucius and Lu became friends.
In the last five years, Vietnam has been cut. Yue Wang, Jian, met him, defeated Wu in Gusu, and was injured, but the army was defeated. He Lv's illness killed him, so Prince Fu Cha said, "Did you forget to kill your father?" Focha said to him, "I dare not forget." At night, you die. Ever since Fu Cha became king, he regarded Abel as a butcher and learned to shoot. After two years, the more you cut, the more you lose. Ju Jian, the king of Yue, lived in Huiji with 5,000 beaten soldiers, and asked the doctor to plant thick coins, leaving Wu Taizai to make peace and ask the country to be his concubine. The king of Wu will promise. Wu Zixu remonstrated, saying, "It's hard to go over the king. If the king doesn't die today, he will regret it later. " The prince didn't listen, so he made peace with Yueping with Taizai's trick.
In the next five years, when the King of Wu heard that Qi Jinggong had died, the ministers all agreed that the new king was weak, so he chose the Northern Expedition. Wu Zixu remonstrated, saying, "Sentence Jian doesn't pay attention to taste. He hangs his head for advice and wants to use it. If this man does not die, he will suffer for Wu. Today, Wu has made a leap, and Jews also have abdominal diseases. It's ridiculous that the king served Qi without crossing first! " The prince of Wu refused to listen, cut Qi, and defeated Qi in Yiling, so Zou Luzhi returned. A plan to benefit and enlighten children.
In the next four years, the king of Wu will explore the Northern Qi Dynasty. Zhu Jian, the king of Yue, used Zigong's plan to help Wu and attached great importance to Taizai's legacy. Since Taizai was bribed several times, his love has become deeper and deeper, and he confided to the prince of Wu day and night. Wu Wang's credit plan. Wu Zixu remonstrated, saying, "My husband is too sick, but now he believes in the falsehood of his words and is insatiable. It's no use comparing broken air with a stone field. Moreover, Pan Geng's exhortation letter said, "The more disrespectful, the more so, so that it will be destroyed, so that there is no education, and there is nothing easy to plant in our city." "The reason why this business is booming. May the king release qi and go forward bravely; If not, regret is common in the future. " But the king of Wu didn't listen, which made the son empty. When Zixu left, he said to his son, "I want to remonstrate with the king, but he doesn't need it. Now I saw Wu's death. You and Wu are both dead. It's no use. "This is his son QiBaoMu, returned it to Wu.
Wu Taizai was estranged from Zi Xu, because he said, "Zi Xu is a violent man with little kindness. He suspects that he is a thief, and his resentment may be a profound disaster. " The day before yesterday, the king of Qi wanted to cut Qi, but Zixu thought it impossible. The king died and made great contributions. Zixu was ashamed of his strategy \ not using it, but looking back at it. Now the king of Qi has resumed cutting Qi, and Zixu is committed to remonstrating and ruining things. Fortunately, Wu's defeat outweighed his strategy. Today, Wang himself knows that the country's military power is used to cut Qi, but Zi Xu doesn't need to remonstrate, because he wants to drop out of school and is ill in the details. The king must be prepared. This disaster is not difficult. And Hao made people wait on him, make him in Qi, and return him to the son of Bao. My husband is a minister, and he is not proud at home. He relies on the princes outside and thinks that my previous king's plan is useless today, and I often complain about it. May the king do it early. The king of Wu said, "I also doubt what Wei Zi said." So I gave Wu Zixu a carved sword and said, "My son died here." Wu Zixu looked up at the sky and sighed, "Wow! I was accused of disorder, but Wang Nai turned against me. I let my father bully me. Before I was self-contained, all the sons argued. I fought for the king with my death, and I could hardly stand. If I build it and want to give it to me, I dare not expect it. However, if you listen to the minister's words to kill the old man. " I told his family: "I want to plant catalpa bungeana on my grave so that it can be used as a tool;" On the east gate of Wudong County, you can see that the more you advance, the more you destroy Wu. " This is suicide. The prince of Wu was furious. He put Zixu's body in the river. Wu people pity it, in order to set up a temple on the river, because it was named Xushan.
The prince of Wu punished Wu Zixu, so he cut Qi. The Qibao family killed the monarch and mourned the public, and established Yang Sheng. The prince of Wu wanted a thief and left without results. In the following two years, the king of Wu called the king of Lu Wei a priest. Next year, because the directors of Peking University will be in Huangchi, they will hold a weekly meeting. Ju Jian, the King of Yue, attacked and killed the King of Wu and defeated Wu Bing. When the prince of Wu heard about it, he returned it, making the thick coins even flatter. In the last nine years, the King of Yue Ju Jian destroyed Wu and killed Wang Fu Cha. And if you punish too much, you are unfaithful to your king, but if you are severely punished outside, you will be better than yourself.
Wu Zixu, the son of the King of Chu who died early, won in Wu. When the King of Wu was in Fuzha, King Hui of Chu wanted to win back the State of Chu. Ye Gong remonstrated and said, "The brave will win, and the dark will seek death!" Hui Wang wouldn't listen. Then shout victory, make the Chu border town,no. Bai Gong. Bai Gong returned to Chu for three years, and Wu Zhuzi was empty.
Because Bai Gong's victory belongs to Chu State, he blames Zheng for killing his father, but Yin comes back to life and wants Zheng to repay him. Back to Chu for five years, please cut Zheng, and Chu made Yin Zixi make a promise. The soldiers attacked Zheng before they started, and Zheng asked Chu for help. Chu made the son go west to save and return with the alliance. Bai Gong was furious and said, "This is not the enemy of Zheng, but the enemy of Zi." Better than a sword, people ask, "Why?" Sheng said, "I want to kill my son. Hearing this, Zi Xi smiled and said, "Better than an egg's ear. What can you do? ".」
Then at the age of four, Bai He attacked and killed Chu Lingyin's son Xi and Sima Zi. Shi Qi said, "I can't do it without killing the king." It's Rugao House where the king was robbed. The stone beggars worshipped the death of King Hui of Chu and came to Lady Zhao's palace. When Ye Gong heard that Bai Gong was in chaos, he led his compatriots to attack Bai Gong. Bai Gong was defeated, died in the mountains and committed suicide. And Lushi begged for it, but asked Bai Gong's body, if you don't say it, it will be heng. Shi Qi said: "Being an official may not be successful, but I will do my job well." Will not tell the body. Then Shi Heng asked for help and asked Hui Wang to rebuild it.
Taishi Gong said: Resentment poisons people deeply! The king can't do it for his lieutenants yet, and the same is true! It's a worm to let Wu Zixu die of luxury. Abandoning xiaoyi, snow is a great shame, and it will be remembered for generations to come. Fang Zixu was embarrassed on the river, begging for food, and determined to forget evil? Therefore, forbearance will get ahead. Who can do this without a fierce husband? Bai Gong can't gain enlightenment unless he is a monarch!