The scholar wrote a poem saying, "The prefect prays for rain, and all the people are grateful for virtue. Last night I pushed the window to see the moon. "
The satrap was furious and sent Yunyang.
His uncle gave it to him. Farewell, the scholar saw that his uncle was blind, so he presented a poem: "See Yunyang, and see my uncle as if he were my mother." People cry together, three lines. "
To match, officials like his poems, take his wife as the topic and ask him to recite them. The scholar said, "Ring Ding Dong, madam, come out of the back hall. Three-inch golden lotus, horizontal. "
The official's anger made him laugh at himself. The scholar sighed, "The ancients were named Dongpo, but I am now named Xipo. When the two are compared, they are much worse. "
Is this it? I framed the sentence that he saw his uncle ~