1, the sea is wide and the fish jumps, and the sky is high for birds to fly. Fear, is it difficult for the wind and rain hammer? Aim high and have no fear of dreams. Young people do not give up, and youth cannot regret it. Sweat and fight for a hundred days, and the lofty sentiments will not retreat. Just because of June day, wait for me to fly high.
2. We have been riding the wind and waves in the 100-day race. Ten years of grinding a sword, we show our edge here. Embrace the ideal, we swear in the name of youth. Live up to parents' expectations and teachers' high hopes.
Battlefield for a hundred days, youth ideal without regret. Struggle for a hundred days, let sweat light up the light of youth from today. Struggle for a hundred days and let the dream of flying spread its wings in June. Strive for one hundred days, and let the future songs sing in June.
3, grinding a sword for ten years, only for the senior high school entrance examination. If we unite, our generation will soar. I promise: I won't back down, I won't hesitate, I won't live up to my parents' expectations, I won't live up to my teachers' high hopes, and I won't live up to my youthful ideals.
I will awaken all my potential, I will gather all my strength and carry on the struggle to the end! Carry out the third grade to the end! Carry the senior high school entrance examination to the end! Stick to the end and never give up! Stick to the end and never give up!
Now we solemnly swear that I will forget yesterday's glory and regret, I will regard today as the last day of my life, I will drive away the darkness with confidence, I will write down the glory with diligence, I will make today an immortal anniversary, and I will make my dream come true. The senior high school entrance examination, I spelled it!