1. Erhu has a piano pole standing upright from the sky and two strings connecting the east and west. The inner string is like a man, calm and strong, and the outer string is like a woman, high-pitched and bright. In the fusion of yin and yang, the swan song of heaven and earth is performed.
2. Hu Xian is there, people are there, and the spirit of forging ahead is there. God is unfair, but just. Although we cannot see the wonderful world outside, we can experience the charm of music with our heart. The beauty of the erhu sound is reflected in this unforgettable night, the night when this famous song "The Moon Reflected in Two Springs" was born.
3. The melodious sound of Erhu and the bright moon, accompanied by the breeze, drew an ethereal arc in the silent night sky.
4. Suddenly, several faint sounds of the harp came into my ears. The sound was sad, like sighing, and also like crying. It trembled with the sound of the harp, making a staccato sound, like a drop of a drop. Light rain falls on the leaves.
5. On a quiet night, the bright moon is in the sky, and a golden disk is reflected in the calm lake. It was early autumn, a slight cool breeze was blowing, the shadows of the trees were dancing, and the shadows of the trees underground were trembling slightly. Suddenly, the deep sound of the erhu came from the pavilion by the lake. Looking for the sound, a middle-aged man in the pavilion was stroking his beloved erhu intently.