When Yu heard the words of the county, he thought he was talking about how to win the favor of the emperor and thanked the county, but she didn't know that the county had discovered that she was not the one who prayed in Meiyuan on New Year's Eve. Although Guo Jun Wang and Yu Su don't know each other, as a witness of the emperor's acquaintance with this woman, he still has the obligation to help the emperor find out the truth. He lied to Yu that he liked Li Bai's poems just to test whether she was a literate person. After all, against the wind, like understanding, it is easy to destroy? Not everyone can appreciate such a beautiful poem.
Under the temptation of King Guo Jun, Yu really gave away the clues. Did she even? Jade Lou Jin que casually went home, and plum blossoms were drunk in Luoyang? Zhu Dunru, a poet in the Song Dynasty, didn't know what she had done, which means that the maid-in-waiting leaning against Meiyuan on New Year's Eve was definitely not her. At first, Guo Ziyu wanted to sell his personal feelings to Su Peisheng, suggesting that Yu Yingying was not the one the emperor wanted. But at this moment, Guo Ziyu suddenly heard the voice of Yu Yingying singing Kunqu opera intertwined with the happy laughter of the emperor, so he gave up the idea and thought that he didn't need to spoil the emperor's fun.
Anyway, Guo Ziyu County is also interested in the maid-in-waiting who claimed to have wet her shoes and socks at Yi Mei Yuan. Since the emperor has a surplus, he naturally won't look for a master again, so the county will have a chance to find a beauty! What he never expected was that even if the emperor mistook one for another, the girl who was leaning against Meiyuan to pray was also the emperor's, and King Guo Xian had to say respectfully? Huang Sao? .