Recite the eight etiquette and four etiquette formulas: wash your hair frequently, bathe frequently, and your hair and body will have no odor. There should be no dirt under the fingernails. Do not pick nose or ears in public. Change clothes, shoes and socks frequently. Keep your appearance neat, keep your appearance neat, and sit and stand upright. Keep your school bag tidy, keep your personal items neatly placed, and do not take off your shoes in public places.
In "Eight Rites and Four Etiquettes", "Eight Rites" refers to "the etiquette of appearance", "the etiquette of rituals", "the etiquette of speaking", "the etiquette of treating others", "the etiquette of walking", "The gift of viewing", "the gift of visiting" and "the gift of dining". "Four rituals" refers to the entrance ceremony (7 years old), growth ceremony (10 years old), youth ceremony (14 years old), and adult ceremony (18 years old), which educate and guide minors to strengthen their civilized and etiquette qualities. The Eight Etiquettes and Four Etiquettes are students' daily behavior performance of civilized etiquette, which will be included in the students' comprehensive quality evaluation system as one of the basis for evaluating excellence and awards.