Hemp fiber cucumber (wisdom revelation in fable)

Story background

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who planted a cucumber field, but he found that the cucumbers in this field always didn't grow very well, and some cucumbers would become very strange. So he decided to ask someone for help to see if there was anything wrong with the land.

Looking for experts

The farmer invited an expert. The expert looked at the field and found that the soil quality of this land was very good and there was no problem. But he found that cucumbers in this field were always damaged by rain, so he suggested that farmers cover cucumbers with a hemp fiber to prevent cucumbers from being damaged by rain.

The birth of coconut shell cucumber

The farmer followed the expert's advice and covered the cucumber with a hemp fiber. Soon, the cucumber grew big and well, and was not damaged by the rain. However, the farmer found that his neighbor didn't believe it was a cucumber, because the shape of cucumber was too strange. So the farmer decided to take these strange cucumbers to the market to sell.

market response

In the market, people were amused to see these strange cucumbers, but they didn't believe they were real cucumbers. So the farmer took these cucumbers to a rich businessman to sell. The merchant thought these cucumbers were very interesting and decided to buy them and send them to the palace for display.

The reaction in the palace

In the palace, people think it is interesting to see these strange cucumbers, but they don't believe they are real cucumbers. So the merchant decided to show these cucumbers to the emperor. The emperor was amused to see these strange cucumbers, but he didn't believe they were real cucumbers. So he called a wise man to explain the strange shapes of these cucumbers.

A wise man's explanation

The wise man was happy to see these cucumbers, but he didn't believe they were real cucumbers. So he decided to go to the cucumber farmer. When he saw the cucumber field, he found the problem. He told farmers that these cucumbers became this strange shape because they were bound by hemp fibers and could not grow freely.

Enlightenment of wisdom

This story tells us that sometimes we are bound by something and cannot grow freely. We need to learn to get rid of these constraints before we can really grow up. At the same time, you need to believe in your own ability, and don't trust others easily. Most importantly, we need to learn to discover the truth and not be confused by superficial phenomena.

final result

This is the story of hemp fiber cucumber, which tells us a very important truth: don't be confused by appearances, but learn to discover the truth. Only in this way can we really grow up and move towards success.