[Nie Yinniang] Translation and Appreciation of the Original Text of General Nie Feng and Wei Boda's Daughter, Zhenyuan and Nie Yinniang

Nie Yinniang, daughter of general Wei Boda and Nie Feng in Zhenyuan. When Fang was ten years old, he begged for food at home. He was very happy when he saw his hidden mother. He said, "Ask my aunt for this female teacher." Fly into a rage. Ni said, "If you put it in your iron cabinet, you will definitely steal it." At night, I lost my mother's guidance. The front is staggering, and the search has no effect. My parents cry every time they think about it.

Five years later, Ni sent his reclusive mother home and said to Feng, "I have finished teaching, but I have taken back my son." I didn't see you. When a family is sad and happy, ask them what they have learned. He said: "At the beginning, I read scriptures and spells, and nothing else." If you don't believe me, be honest. Yinniang said, "Are you telling the truth or not?" Feng: "But to be honest."

Yue: "yin niang was whipped by Ni first, and I don't know how many miles he walked. In the Ming dynasty, to the big stone cave, dozens of steps were embedded, and people were inaccessible. There are many apes. First, she has two daughters, both of whom are ten years old. They are smart and elegant, don't eat, and can fly away on steep mountains. If they climb the tree quickly, nothing will happen. You take a pill, I take a sword, two feet long, which can be broken by blowing hard. Let two girls teach you to climb, and gradually feel as light as the wind. A year later, the spiny ape will be foolproof. After stabbing the tiger and leopard, everyone decided to return first. After three years, all the eagles will be stung. The blade of the sword is gradually reduced by five inches, and the bird welcomes it. I don't know where it comes from. For four years, leave two women to guard the acupoints. I'm in town. I don't know where. Those who pointed at him said one after another,' I can't feel stabbing him in the head. Its bravery is as simple as a bird. "With claws dagger, knife three inches wide, stabbed him in the city during the day, people are invisible. First put it in a capsule, send it back to the owner's house, and use medicine to turn it into water. Five years later, he said that a senior official was guilty and killed several people for no reason. You can enter his room at night, and he will be the first one. He entered the room with a dagger. There was no obstacle in the door and he fell on the beam. Climb to the top and go home. Ni was furious: "Why is it late?" There is a cloud that says,' Seeing that my predecessors teased me for a while, I was also quite cute, so I began to stop putting up with it.' Nike said:' When you meet this generation in the future, break off the relationship first and then make up your mind.' Thank you. Ni said,' I blocked it for you and hid the dagger, but I wasn't hurt. Use immediately. Yue said, "You can go home if you succeed." Then he went back and said, "We can't meet again until twenty years later." "

I was scared when I heard these words. Disappeared the next night and came back the next morning. Feng never dares to criticize, so he doesn't like it very much

Suddenly, when the young man was cleaning the mirror, she said, "This man can be my husband." White father, father dare not disobey, so marry him. Her husband can sharpen the mirror, but he can't. My father gave me a lot of food and clothes. Live outside the room. A few years later, my father died. Knowing the difference, Mo Wei became an official in the Golden Silk Department.

So in recent years, between Zhiyuan and Yuanhe, Mo Wei and Chen Xu, in our time, have not cooperated with Liu Wu, making Yinniang the first thief. My mother's promise to be handsome is hidden.

Liu Neng is a psychic and knew it would come. Call the official generals and tell them to come to the north of the city early tomorrow morning, waiting for a man and a woman to pass through the black and white guards to the door. The magpie is noisy, and the husband's bow misses. If a wife kills a magpie with a bullet, it is like a cloud: I want to meet you, so I will only meet you in the distance.

My officials will definitely see him. Yin Niang and his wife said, "Liu Fu shot the man of God. Otherwise, there is no need to cheat me. I can see Gong Liu. " Liu Laozhi and Yin Niang bowed down and said, "If * * shoulders this heavy responsibility, there is no doubt that he will die." Liu: "Otherwise, it is common for people to kiss each other. What's the difference between Wei and Xu? Please stay here and don't be suspicious. " Yin Xie said, "I am willing to give up my servant's marksmanship. I am willing to serve God. " Not as good as Liu. Ask Liu what he needs. He said, "200 pence a day is enough." As you wish. Suddenly I don't know

Yin Niang said, "After midnight, you should show your wonderful hands. Illusion, people can't see its use, but ghosts can't track it. You can enter the world from emptiness, beauty is invisible, but the shadow disappears. You can't create the world because you can't hide your mother's art. This is Fukumimi, a servant. However, with her neck around Yu Yuyu's neck, she hugged her and her hidden mother became an midge. She sneaked into the servant's intestines to listen, and the rest had nowhere to escape. " Liu. On the third night, it was published. The fruit is loud and clear. Yinniang jumped out of Liu's mouth and said, "There is nothing wrong with the servant shooting. This man is like a handsome stork. If he doesn't win the battle, he will die suddenly. He was ashamed that he didn't win, so he didn't exceed one shift. It is already thousands of miles away. " After seeing the jade, if there is a dagger, there are more marks.

From then on, Liu died. In the eighth year of Yuanhe, Liu Zichao and Yin Niang refused to attend. Yun: "Since then, I have been looking for mountains and rivers to visit people, but I have only asked for help." Liu kept his promise and gradually lost his knowledge. When Liu Yu joined the army, Yinniang drove the donkey to the capital, and she left in tears.

My Lord, Chang's son, went to the plank road in the middle of Shu without the secretariat of Lingzhou, and met his hidden mother who looked like him in those days. Nice to meet you. I passed through Cynthia as before. As the saying goes, "Lang Jun's disaster is not suitable for this." Take a pill and swallow it. As the saying goes, "the coming year is in a hurry, and the official will return to Romania to eliminate this disaster. My medicine only protects my ears for one year. " I don't really believe it. After her funeral, my hidden mother did not suffer any pain, but she was intoxicated. A year later, I stopped being an official and died in Lingzhou. Since then, no one has seen the hidden mother.


During the Zhenyuan period in Tang Dezong, Nie Yinniang, the daughter of General Nie Feng of Wei Boda, was only ten years old. A nun went to Nie Feng's house to beg for food. She met Yin Niang and loved her very much. She said, "Aunt, can you give me your daughter so that I can educate her?" Nie Feng was very angry and scolded the nun. The nun said, "To detain my daughter is to lock her in an iron cabinet. I will steal, too. " That night, Yinniang got lost, which surprised Nie Feng. Search, no results. Parents cry when they miss their daughters.

Five years later, the nun sent Yinniang back and said to Nie Feng, "I have taught her, and I will give her back to you." At the moment when the nun disappeared, the family had mixed feelings and asked their daughter what to study. The daughter said, "At the beginning, I read the scriptures and recited spells, and learned nothing else." Nie Feng don't believe, seriously asked his daughter. Yinniang said, "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell the truth. What should I do? " Nie Feng said, just tell the truth. Yin Niang told the truth again.

I don't know how many miles I walked when I was taken away by a nun for the first time. At dawn, I came to a big cave, where no one lived, and there were many apes and dense Woods. There have been two girls here, both ten years old. They are smart and beautiful, but they don't eat. Can fly away on the cliff, as agile as a monkey climbing a tree, without any mistakes. The nun gave me a pill and a two-foot sword. The blade of this sword is particularly sharp. Hair is distributed on the blade and will break when blown. The two girls and I learned to climb mountains, and gradually I felt as light as the wind. A year later, I learned to stab apes and hit them accurately. After stabbing the tiger and leopard, they all cut their headbands and went back. Three years later, I can fly and learn to stab an eagle, and I won't miss anything. The blade gradually grinds to only five inches long, but when the bird meets it, it can never come back.

In the fourth year, I left two women to guard the cave and took me into the city. I have no idea where it is. She pointed to a man and told him his sins one by one, so that I could cut off his head before he knew it. It is as easy as a bird flying. Give me a dagger with three claws, and I'll stab that man to death in broad daylight. No one else can see it. Put his head in a bag, take it back to the cave and turn it into water with medicine.

Five years later, the nun said that a senior official was guilty and killed many people innocently. You can go to his room at night and cut off his head. So I came to the room with a dagger and went in through the door. There are no obstacles at all. I climbed to the beam of the house until dawn, and then I took the man's head back. The nun was furious and said, why did you come back so late? I said, I saw that man teasing a child. It's so cute that I can't bear to do it. The nun reprimanded and said, if this happens again in the future, kill the child first, cut off his lover, and then kill him. I thanked the nun, she said. I opened the back of your head and hid the dagger. It won't hurt you, so it's very convenient to use. He said, you have learned martial arts, and you can go home. So he sent me back. She also said that it would be twenty years before we could meet again. After listening to yin niang, Nie Feng was very scared.

Later, every night, Yinniang disappeared and didn't come back until dawn. Nie Feng didn't dare to ask questions, so he didn't love Yinniang very much. One day, a boy who grinds mirrors came to Nie's house. His mother said, "This man can be my husband." She told her father, who dared not refuse. Yin Niang married a young man. Her husband can only make mirrors, but nothing else. His father gave them a lot of food and clothes, but he only lived outside. Many years later, when his father died, Mo Wei knew something about his hidden mother, so he hired them as officials with money. In this way, a few years later, during the reign of Xian Zongyuan and Chen Xunian, the relationship between Mo Wei and Liu Changyi and Chen Xu was at odds. Mo Wei sent Yinniang to chop off Liu Changyi's head. Liu Changyi can be psychic. As soon as Yinniang said goodbye to Mo Wei, he knew she could come, so he called all the generals in the yamen and ordered them to go to the north of the city on the morning when Yinniang came. When they met a magpie singing in front of the couple, the husband shot it with a slingshot and missed. The wife took a slingshot and shot the magpie away with only one shot, so she bowed to them and said, "We adults want to see you two, so we have come out from a distance to meet you two." Yin Niang and his wife said that Liu Bushe was indeed a man of god. Otherwise, why are we here? We want to see Gongliu. Liu Changyi came, and Yin Niang and his wife said after their worship, we are very sorry for you. This is a terrible crime. Liu Changyi said, "You can't say that. It is human nature to respect each other. Mo Wei and I are no different. I ask you to stay here without a doubt. " Yin Niang thanked her and said, "There is no one around. We are willing to come to you. I admire your originality. Mo Wei is not as good as you. " Liu Changyi asked them what they needed. They say 200 pence a day is enough. I responded to their request. One day, the two donkeys they were riding suddenly disappeared. Liu Changyi sent for them, and they disappeared. Then in a cloth bag, I saw two paper donkeys, one black and one white.

After more than a month, he said to Liu Changyi, "Mo Wei doesn't know that we live here, so we have to send someone. Today, please cut some hair, wrap it in red silk and send it to Mo Wei's pillow to show that we are not going back. " Liu Changyi complied. At the fourth watch, Yinniang came back and said to Liu Changyi, "The letter has arrived. The night after tomorrow, Mo Wei will send Jingjing to kill me and cut off your head. We should also find a way to kill him. Don't worry. " Liu Chang's background is generous and fearless. That night, the candle was bright. After midnight, I saw two banners, one red and one white, colliding with each other and wandering by the bed. After a long time, I saw a man fall from the sky, his body and head separated. Yin Niang also appeared, saying that Jingjing had been killed by me. Drag Jingjing's body to the hall. The medicine turned into water. Not even hair left. Yinniang added, "The night after tomorrow, he will send a vacant room. The magic of an empty house comes and goes unnoticed. Martial arts can't catch up with him, so we can only rely on servants to bless us. You put a piece of jade around your neck and cover it with a quilt, and I will become a small mosquito, sneak into your intestines and wait for an opportunity, and the rest will not have to escape. " Liu Changyi did as she said. In the middle of the night, Liu Changyi didn't fall asleep with his eyes closed. Sure enough, he heard a loud bang on his neck. Yin Niang jumped out of her mouth and congratulated: "It's okay for the servant to shoot. This man is like an eagle. He just had a fight. He didn't fight and flew away. Unfortunately, he missed. He had flown more than a thousand miles before he was on duty. " They examined the jade around Liu Changyi's neck. Sure enough, there are traces of dagger cutting, deep. Liu Changyi sent a present to Yinniang and his wife.

In the eighth year of Yuanhe in Tang Xianzong, Liu Changyi moved the capital to Chen Xu. Yin doesn't want to follow her to Beijing. She said, "From now on, I will visit the sages. Just ask you to give my husband a job. " Liu Changyi complied. Later, I gradually didn't know where Yinniang was going. After Liu Changyi's death, Yinniang rode a donkey to Beijing and wept bitterly in front of Liu's spirit. When Tang Wenzong came of age, Liu Zongren, the son of Liu Changyi, served as the secretariat of Lingzhou and met Yinniang on the plank road in Sichuan. Her face is the same as before. Nice to see you again. She rode a white donkey as before. She said to President Liu, "You have made a big mistake and should not come here." She took out a pill for Liu Jingli to take. She said, "Stop being an official next year and hurry back to Luoyang to solve this disaster. My medicine can only save you from a year of disaster. " Liu didn't quite believe it, so he sent some silks and satins to Yinniang. Yinniang didn't ask for them, so she left. A year later, Liu Zong died in Yuling and did not resign. No one has seen Yinniang since.

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One of the legendary novels written by Pei Fang. Write the story of the woman Nie Yinniang. The daughter of Nie Feng, the general of Nie Yinniang Wei Boda, was "stolen" by a woman when she was 10. This woman taught her fencing. She can stab people during the day, but no one can see her. Five years later, she was sent home. Nie Yinniang, who has a skill, chose a teenager who can only clean the mirror and has no other ability as her husband. After Nie Yinniang's father died, his coach was at odds with him and wanted Nie Yinniang to assassinate him, but Nie Yinniang turned to Liu for help. The commander-in-chief sent a skillful hand to assassinate him, and yin niang broke it with a spell. After Liu Changyi went in to worship, Nie said goodbye. After Liu's death, Nie went to the capital, Liu Fang, and wept bitterly.

This article is bizarre and absurd, but it also reflects some historical truths. After the mid-Tang Dynasty, assassinations prevailed, and the buffer regions killed each other, so they had to recruit some chivalrous men with special skills to be their minions. These chivalrous men, either out of personal grievances or depending on the strength of the buffer region, actually served as tools for the buffer region to fight for power and profit. But this article and The Red Line are both heroines, which are the embryonic forms of later female novels.

Included herein. There is a passage about drunkenness in the book Song Dialect contained in Ye Taiping Guang Ji, which should be based on this article. Based on this, You Dong of Qing Dynasty made up a play "Nie Yinniang in the Western Hills", which was very popular in Wang Shizhen.