The king of the girl country is the king of the girl country. The girl country is full of women, but no men. Therefore, Tang Priest and his disciples passed by, and the king was called handsome by all the female officials. He decided to recruit Tang Priest as his husband and stay in his daughter country as king, calling him his royal brother.
There is a description of her beauty in the book: her eyebrows are like jade feathers and her muscles are like sheep fat. Face lined with peach petals and piled with golden phoenix silk. The eyes are enchanting, and the bamboo shoots are slim and attractive. Oblique red yarn floats brightly, and high-hairpin pearls shine brightly. What you said about Zhao Jun's beauty is indeed better than history.
Extended data
The king of the girl country appeared in the Journey to the West for the fifty-fourth time: the French came to the girl country from the west, and the ape decided to pick off the fireworks.
The Tang Priest and his disciples went to the daughter country, and the king of the daughter country took a fancy to Tang Priest and wanted to recruit him as a husband. Tang Priest insisted on refusing to agree. Wukong asked the Tang Priest to make a false wish first and then save him later. When the king of the daughter country was having sex with Tang Priest, the scorpion essence appeared and took Tang Priest away to marry him.
Wukong and Bajie went to challenge and were stabbed by scorpion venom. Then the Pleiadian official came and killed scorpion venom. The four exchanged customs clearance documents with the daughter country and left the daughter country.
Brief introduction of the main roles of the 54th The Journey to the West.
1, the king of the daughter country
The girl country is full of women, but no men. Therefore, Tang Priest and his disciples passed by, and the king was called handsome by all the female officials. He decided to recruit Tang Priest as his husband and stay in his daughter country as king, calling him his royal brother.
2, scorpion essence
As beautiful as flowers and jade, he has practiced for many years and has high martial arts. She used three steel forks, with fire in her nose and smoke in her mouth. She is magical and powerful.
She used to listen to the Buddha's lecture in Leiyin Temple, and when the Tathagata gave her a push, she turned the horse poison stake and tied the Tathagata. Tathagata is very painful, and she longs for King Kong to take her away. She is indeed in the pipa cave near the daughter country. When Tang Priest and his disciples passed through the daughter country, she swept Tang Priest away with a whirlwind, tried every means to seduce him, and repeatedly defeated the monkey and the pig to join hands.
Baidu Encyclopedia-King of Daughter Country