"A person's life is like a flower of a tree, with a hair and a rhizome falling with the wind. Its own curtain falls on the mat, and the fence wall falls on the dung edge. Your highness is also the one who fell on the mat; Those who drop dung are also officials. Although the noble people have different paths, what is the cause and effect? "
Life is like a flower on a tree, which blooms at the same time and falls with the wind. Because the wind blows the curtains, some petals fall in the hall and stay on the mat; " Some petals fell into the cesspit because of the fence. Your highness is like a petal left on a wormhole, and Xiaguan is like a petal left in a cesspit. Although the nobles are different, what is the karma? "
This passage was said by Fan Zhen, an outstanding thinker in the Qi and Liang Dynasties in the Southern Dynasties.
Qi Situ Jingling Wang Xiaoliang Zi invited the guests to Shanxi's official residence, Kyoto chicken coop and Fanzhen. Xiaoliangzi is famous for Buddhism. In addition to gathering Buddhist scholars, the residence also attracted famous monks to talk about Buddhism. In Xidi, Fan Zhen claimed that there was no Buddha and denied the theory of Buddhism's immortality, reincarnation and karma, which triggered a debate. Xiaoliangzi asked Fan Zhen, "If you don't believe in cause and effect, how can there be wealth and poverty?" Answer: "human life is like a flower of a tree, with the same hair and the same stalk, which falls on the mat with the wind and falls on the side of dung from the relevant fence." Your highness is also the one who fell on the mat; Those who drop dung are also officials. Although the noble people have different paths, what is the cause and effect? " Think that the wealth and poverty of life is only an accidental opportunity. Then he drafted the Theory of Deism. Xiaoliangzi called the monks to argue with him, but they could not give in to him. Buddhist scholars also wrote articles attacking Fan Zhen. Wang Yan sneered and said to him, "Wow! I don't know where my ancestors are. " Fan Zhen replied in a tit-for-tat manner: "Ho ho Prince! Knowing where the gods of their ancestors are, you can't commit suicide just to follow them. " Xiaoliangzi wants to win him over with Zhong Shulang's official position. Fan Ju laughed and said, "It's a servant's business to let Fan Ju sell his theory and get an official position. It's evil to be a scholar!" Qi Ming Emperor Jianwu, Ren Yidu magistrate. There are many temples in Yiling (now Yichang, Hubei) under his jurisdiction. Fan Zhen ordered the destruction and forbidden the sacrifice. Later, Xiao Yan, an old friend of Xidi's former residence, started an army in Yongzhou, and Fan Zhen welcomed Yan's army.