Mourn for my parents and give birth to me. The Book of Songs has neither father nor mother. The Book of Songs is the virtue of the father and the legacy of the son. Clear pronunciation and mellow voice, parents respected; Give children a good education. Don't be happy to have a son, and don't sigh without one. [Tang] Han Yu people see that boys and girls are good, but they don't know that men and women make people old. [Tang] Wang Jian's parents are both on earth; The rarest person in the world, brother. Motto Lian Bi is the best parent in the world; Being a child is the greatest filial piety in the world. My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed, caressed, nursed, nurtured, cared and answered me. In the Book of Songs, the father is unkind and the son is unfilial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unfair, the woman will be unhappy. [Northern and Southern Dynasties] Yan Zhitui had no virtuous father and brother in his life, and no strict teacher and friend outside, but few people succeeded. [Song] Lv Gongzhu's parents do whatever they want, and I will continue to describe it; I cherish the thoughts of those parents. Answer guest comment motto Lian Bi (193 1 year) Lu Xun.
Ruthlessness is not necessarily a real hero. How can Reiko Kobayakawa not be a husband? Do you know that those noisy people look back smaller than Tu?
Song Lingyun's Father Memory
Wu's book is broken. What do you hate everywhere? The dream soul is not afraid of Chang 'an, and has borrowed the wind to ask for daily life several times.