A famous saying or poem about leaves

The book of songs is full of leaves, collected in constant, and a gentleman has wine to taste. There is a rabbit head, a gun to burn, and a gentleman has wine, which can be offered as appropriate. There is a rabbit head, which is burnt, and a gentleman has wine. There is a rabbit head, a coke gun, and a gentleman has wine, and his words will be rewarded. The Book of Songs has bitter leaves and bitter leaves, and is well versed in economy. Put down the skirt slowly, and lift it quickly. The economic benefits are rich, and pheasants sing. The pheasant's water is not diving, and the pheasant hears it. The geese are singing, and the sunrise has begun. If a man wants to marry a wife, he will get married before freezing. Recruit boats, people get involved in Ang. You must be my friend whether anyone participates in Ang or not. In early autumn, a leaf was blown in the guest house, and everything was already in autumn. Crying alone in a foreign land, worrying about guests every year. Don't leave where? When will it stop? It is better to flow and be free. The fallen leaves Kong Shaoan was surprised to see the fallen leaves in early autumn, falling like guests. If you don't want to go down, cherish the old forest. And du ti red leaves Bai Juyi Hanshan October Dan, frost leaves are new for a while. It seems that the fire can't burn out, and flowers don't wait for spring. Even rows of crimson accounts, throwing red scarves around. There are only two people before the wind. When a leaf falls, it is easy to get bored, but the depression of summer has not subsided, and the cool diving has begun. Cold and warm and ups and downs are the same. Under the rustling Lin Qiu, a leaf was suddenly appointed. Don't say anything, shake it down, shake it down from here. In "Drunk", Hongye Bai Juyi is in the breeze, and Qiu Shu is a long-time drinker. Drunk as frost leaves, although red is not spring. Sophora japonica leaves are cold soaked from Du Fu's tall and green Sophora japonica leaves, which are collected and sent to China kitchen. The new noodles are close to the market, and the juice is mixed with me. If it is overcooked, there will be no trouble with adding vegetables. Everything is fresh, and fragrant rice is a bud. Teeth are colder than snow, so people are advised to throw this pearl away. I want to take the money to Tu Su. The road is far-sighted and afraid of mud, and the prosperity will not change. Qin's offerings are small, and the recommendation of algae is only a small area. Wan Li Lu Han Temple, ice jade pot. It's time for the king to enjoy a cool night. On the moonlit night, I saw the cold dew on the leaves of buttonwood, and the dew on the leaves of Xiao Shutong. The water drops are clear and full of light, bright and cold. The wind shakes the jade, and the branches move the beads. The wind is cold and it seems to be an autumn night, and the sound is slightly midnight. Condensed air flows everywhere, and wet things should look clean. Don't get tired of peeping, it's harder to get together. One leaf fell in Licun, and all the other leaves fell. At this time, the scenery is bleak. The painted building has a cold moon shadow and the west wind blows the curtain. Open the curtains and think about the past. Li Qunyu's lotus root is jade in the mud, and its heart bears nectar. It was planted in Tang Jun and buried in Ren Chunpu. In February, the leaves of banyan trees in Liuzhou fell all over the ground. Liu Zongyuan feels melancholy, and spring is half like autumn. The mountain city is full of rain flowers and banyan leaves are full of warblers. Luo Yin, the city of red leaves, couldn't resist the desert, so it was late at night. The wild is sunny and frosty, and the mountains are cold and rainy. Wandering Fuling Road, Beauty Changxin Palace. By the end of the year, the meaning of shaking down will be endless. Before the leaves fall in autumn, you can see your neighbors outside the window. Who is surprised in the world, Lin alone sweeps the frequency. Xiao Sao moonlit night, overlapping early frost morning. It was cloudy yesterday, and the sound of singing birds gave the trees a breath of spring. The green direction of Wang Jian's fallen leaves is uneven, and the first piece of red has overlapped. The atrium has just begun to be swept, and three or two leaves surround the tree. Wu Ronglu, the red leaves are lightly frosted, and the sunset turns bright. And the smoke falling in autumn will be a thousand miles of love with the waves. Several birds are hiding in jathyapple, but the whole family is accompanied by the sound of flies. At that time, I didn't hate watching the breeze cut into colors. Yuezhou looks at yellow leaves, and it is said that bald heads look at yellow leaves with complicated faces. Under the empty tree, there is no political song. Frost leaves hang down, the dike is heavy with smoke, and the first crossing of the river is on the surface. Dew and wind and willows are sparse, and pavilions are still quiet. Hate affection, leave love and complain. Acacia soul dream small screen. I'm tired of pulling clothes, and I'm covered in dust, and the jade mirror is ashamed. Infinitely quiet, chasing pleasure, looking for returns, arriving first and then falling behind. The young man's mind became empty, and the old man came to hug him. All the green leaves have passed away. Leave a voice and adjust the tune at that time. Ask a beautiful woman, from haggard, reduce waistline, how much it looks.

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