1, no relatives, no one; You can't be a child if you don't like your relatives. -Mencius
2. Father and son are close, monarch and minister are righteous, husband and wife are different, young and old have stories, and friends have letters. -Mencius
3. Only filial piety can solve the worries. -Mencius
4, old and old, and old people; Young people, young people, young people. The world is in your hands. -Mencius
5, a gentleman has three pleasures, and the king is not on earth. Parents exist, brothers have no chance, and they are happy; Yang is worthy of the sky, regardless of people, but also happy; It is three pleasures to be educated by talents in the world. A gentleman has three pleasures, and the king of the world does not exist. -Mencius
6. Parents love and love, and parents respect and respect. -Confucius
7, the year of parents, you must know. One is joy and the other is fear. -The Analects of Confucius
8. Virtue is inseparable, and if life is bitter, beauty and evil cannot be moved. -Lu Chunqiu.
9, serving parents, the voice is easy to be quiet, don't be loud because of trivial things. -Zhou Bingqing