Jin Wengong gave him a reward for his followers, but Jie Zhitui didn't ask for such a reward and didn't consider it.
Tui said, "There are nine sons in total, but you are the only one. Hui, pregnant with no relatives, abandoned outside. There must be a Lord before the day is over. Who is the main admirer, not the monarch? This is true, but the second son and the third son think they did it themselves. Isn't it fake? Stealing people's wealth is also called stealing. Besides, do you think you can do it yourself? It's hard to get along with. "
His mother said, "Me too?" Who will die? "Yes, he said," What a sin! Still complaining, not eating. His mother said, "Let the king know about it, too, will you?" " ? " Yes, I said, "Language is the language of the body. How to use text when hiding? Also seeking to show. " His mother said, "Will it be like this? Hiding from women. " Retire to death.
Jin Hou didn't get what he asked for, so he took cotton as his field. He said: "Live with ambition and be kind to others.