Hurried through the flowers, lazy to look back; This reason is partly because of the ascetic monk, and partly because of who you used to be.
2. Translation:
Hurried through the flowers, too lazy to look back. Partly because of the pure cultivation of the mind, partly because of you.
3. Source:
Five thought poems (4)
Yuan Zhen
Once I tasted the vast sea, I felt that the water in other places was pale; Once you have experienced the clouds in Wushan, you feel that the clouds elsewhere are eclipsed.
Hurried through the flowers, lazy to look back; This reason is partly because of the ascetic monk, and partly because of who you used to be.
4. Translation:
Seeing the rough sea, the water on the other side is not worth mentioning; Except for the colorful clouds in Wushan, the clouds in other places are pale. Passing through the flowers in turn, I am too lazy to look back, partly because of monasticism and partly because I miss you.