Yi Ru is often more beautiful than the West Lake. Hu Xiang is a hermit and Jianhu is a fairy. I didn't mean to. I regard Hu Xiang as my virgin [6], and I am shy when I sleep [7], even though I see her unmarried; Jianhu is a noble lady, respectable but disrespectful; If the West Lake is a famous prostitute in the song [8], the expression is beautiful, but leaning against the door to smile, everyone will be embarrassed [9]. Everyone is embarrassed, so everyone is envious; Everyone envies, so everyone despises. Spring and summer are lively, autumn and winter are cold; Flower dynasty, noisy, evening, scattered stars; Mysterious, very quiet [10], but lonely when it rains and snows.
Therefore, Yu Taste said, "A good reader, Dong Yu has no worries [1 1], and a good swimmer, Dong Yu has no worries. Dong Yu said:' Winter people are also at leisure; At night, after the day; If it rains, it will be after the moon. Gu Mei [12], he Liu; Jathyapple is ethereal and bright, and He Xun is graceful and restrained in flowers [13]; It's rainy and sunny [14]. Deep appreciation means understanding people [15]. "
That is, the four sages on the lake [16], and Yu also said: "Lotte is broad-minded and solid; The absurdity of Yehou is not as sensitive as Dongpo. " Others, such as Jia Sidao's luxury [17] and Sun Yingzhi's China Exhibition [18], have spent hundreds of thousands in the West Lake for decades, but the temperament and flavor of other places in the West Lake have actually increased those who dream of it. There are so many measures in the world [19] that you can't swim the lake easily.