Nine Songs of National Mourning is a poem written by Qu Yuan, a poet of Chu in the Warring States Period, and it is a mourning poem for the soldiers killed in Chu. This poem is divided into two sections. The first section describes the heroic scene of Chu soldiers fighting hand-to-hand with the enemy; The second section eulogizes the noble festivals of Chu soldiers who died for their country and their heroism and patriotism.
The author has a high ability to describe the scene and render the atmosphere. However, in ten sentences, a life-and-death battle is vividly written and extremely infectious. In their bones, they eulogized the dead soldiers with emotional strokes. The whole poem is full of the magical and romantic style characteristics of the protagonist, and it has a thrilling and earth-shattering artistic charm.
Original text; Nine national mourning songs
Author Qu Yuan? pre-Qin period
Holding a sword, wearing leather armor, chariots crisscross, sword and blade.
Enemy, the flag is like a dark cloud and the arrow is on the string.
He violated my position and trampled on my team. My left relative died and my right relative was stabbed.
Bury two rounds, trip four horses, and beat drums with jade mallets.
Then I will be furious, kill vilen mercilessly and abandon him.
No return, no return, the plain is hazy and the road is very remote.
Wearing a long sword, holding a strong crossbow, leaving your head, Zhuang Xin will not change.
Brave and fearless, you are the most. You will stick to your post until you die.
The body is dead, the spirit will never die, and your soul is the ghost of a hero!
Fighting in hand, wearing rhinoceros leather armor, criss-crossing chariots, wielding swords and beheading generals.
Flags cover the sky, enemies are like dark clouds, arrows fly down, and foot soldiers fight for the first place.
Occupy my position, trample on our team, and stab at the left.
Bury two rounds, trip four horses, and beat the drum with a jade mallet.
It was dark, the gods were angry, the bodies were brutally killed, and vilen was abandoned.
Going to war without returning, the plain is dense and the road is long.
Wear a long sword with a strong crossbow, separate your head and body, and be strong.
Really brave and hard, always strong. No one can violate it.
The body is dead, the spirit is immortal, and your soul is a hero among ghosts!