Which is bigger, the prime minister or the captaincy?

Prime minister and captaincy are completely different systems.

Wang Ye is a title for a knight. Wang is a special title in ancient times and the highest rank among titles. Divided into princes and county kings. Governors and county kings are generally awarded only to the emperor's closest relatives. Some county kings are relatives of the emperor, and some are heroes. The king is not an official, but his position is higher than that of a hundred officials. Most kings have food cities. Everyone in the fief should work hard for him!

The prime minister is the minister who helps the emperor to handle government affairs, and has a superior-subordinate relationship with the emperor. The position, power and title of prime ministers in different dynasties are different. Before the Tang dynasty, there were only two prime ministers, not three provinces and six ministries, and they had considerable power. It's really under one person and above ten thousand people. After that, the number of people increased, divided into three provinces and six departments. Less energy. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the system of abolishing the prime minister was changed to the cabinet system, and the cabinet was called the records. There are great restrictions on the power of autonomy. When the Ministry of War was changed in the Qing Dynasty, power basically went to the emperor. The government affairs handled by these people can only be passed with the permission of the emperor, so it can be said that they have no independent power.

The prime minister is an official and the king is a knight. Who is older or younger depends on specific problems. Just like some local public security bureaus now, the director is the top leader and has the greatest power. However, there are often some deputy directors with police titles greater than those of directors.

On the official system, no matter how the official names and job categories changed in past dynasties, it can be roughly divided into central officials and local officials. The prime minister is the highest official in name, and his power is undoubtedly the greatest. The vassal Wang Yongyuan can't compare with the prime minister.

On the title, it is divided into Wang, Gong, Hou, Bo, Zi and Gong. The king is the highest title. Of course, the prime minister also has a title, but it is usually much lower than the king. This round, Sheng Wang.

Some awesome prime ministers, such as Cao Cao and Sima Yan, won the title of vassal king as prime ministers.

Some awesome princes, such as several Sima kings in the Western Jin Dynasty, were all honored as princes and served as prime ministers.