What is the spelling of sonnets?

It consists of two parts, the first part is two sonnets, the second part is two sonnets, * * * sonnets. Each line of poetry is usually 1 1 syllable, iambic. At the end of each line, the rhymes are ABAB, ABAB, CDE and CDE. At the end of 13, the use of sonnets expanded from lyric poems to narrative poems, Oracle Bone Inscriptions poems and political poems. And the rhyming method has also been changed to BB A, A BB A, CDC, CDC or ABBA, ABBA, CDC and EDE. During the Renaissance, the creation of Petrarch and others made sonnets more perfect in art and expression, which had a great influence on the development of European poetry. Shakespeare and Shelley both wrote many excellent sonnets.

A page in the collection of ancient poets' poems