In which city is Lixingzhai Village located?

Lixingzhai Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Bachalu Town, Linqing City, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 37 158 1107206, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 371581. The postal code is 252000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0635, and the license plate number is Lu P. Lixingzhai Village and Luzhuang Village, Qianchang Erzhuang Village, Houchang Erzhuang Village, Qianyangfen Village, Houyangfen Village, Dongpanzhuang Village, Ying Zhuang Village, Guanzhuang Village, Xieerzhuang Village, Nanchai Village, Zhaotatou Village, Matatou Village, Liutatou Village and Guotatou Village.

Near Lixingzhai Village, there are some tourist attractions such as Wang Guangyang family tomb, tablet for abstaining from monks and learning Taoism, Xia Bibo Martyrs Monument, Linqing Wanyuan Garden, Linqing folk houses, and other specialties such as Ding Majia fish, Linqing garlic, Linqing lion cat, Linqing big-tailed Han sheep and Linqing Shenguo.