What poem does the first paragraph of "The Land of Ranch" remind you of?

In the first paragraph of "The Country of Ranch", it is thought that cattle and sheep are despised when the wind blows.

The first natural paragraph of the article "Ranch Country" is a general sentence. Sentences stick to the theme and come straight to the point. After pointing out that the Netherlands is a "country of water" and "country of flowers", it is emphasized that this paper focuses on the unique topographical features of the Netherlands-"country of pastures". Because one third of the Netherlands is pasture, this sentence always leads to the full text. Here is a detailed description of the vast pastures in the Netherlands and the carefree life on the pastures.

The first paragraph:

Holland, a country of pasture, is a country of water, flowers and pasture. On the green lowlands between canals, black and white cattle, black-headed cattle and black cattle with white waist and blue mouth are grazing.