Crossing the river from the south, several people are really skilled. Chang 'an elders, the scenery of the new pavilion, are as poor as ever. Fu Yiren, in Lu Shen, China, has looked back several times. Wan Li's reputation is based on the fact that he is a real Confucian scholar, as you know.
There are articles and mountains. The shadow and the court are very clear. When I fell to the ground, now I try, and the situation is running. The wind and smoke in the green fields, the vegetation in Pingquan and the wine singing in Dongshan. I will rectify Kun's work and celebrate her husband's birthday next year.
Xin Qiji's birthday speech. Although it was written for his birthday, because Han Yuanji, the immortal Weng, was also determined to recover, Xin Qiji and his master were in public trouble. Although they were a "manager", they were all idle. At the same time, I compare Han Yuanji to a celebrity of past dynasties, hoping to reorganize Gan Kun with him and make contributions again. In this word, there is passion for serving the country, and there is also grief and indignation that there is no way to serve the country, which constitutes a tragic and desolate style.
2. "Water Diversion Song Toushou Zhao Cao Street Case"
Thousands of miles, the name moves the emperor's house. Jin Luan played with grass and put pen to paper that day. Take it from the boundless spring, wait for the mountains and rivers to be old, and teach it to the crows in the temple. Don't worry about the money flowing to the ground, and plan to get drunk.
Call for Twin Cities, Sing Nong Yu and Dance Green China. One is to drink chitose, and rivers and seas suck clouds. It is said that the capital of the Qing Dynasty wanted to pull the waves of the Milky Way and wash the sand in the northwest. Looking back at Japan, I recognized flying cars in the clouds.
A sentence written by Xin Qiji truly expresses the author's situation and state of mind in the early years of Avenue. A patriot, who is interested in serving the country and is not used by the world, is really bitter in his heart. At the birthday party, the poet placed high hopes on Zhao Jiean, praised Cao Jiean for his outstanding talent, and expected him to bring infinite spring to the people.
3. Xi Fu, the Way of Manjianghong Jiankang Master Shuai.
Peng Yi is hanging in the air, laughing at the world, but there is nothing. Also, nine deep, jade steps stand. The sleeves are colorful, and he will make up the northwest next year. And come back, smile and protect the Yangtze River, Bo Bicheng.
Beautiful land, articles. Golden light sings, red teeth clap. See you fly forward, news from Japan. It is expected that the treasure will dream of Huang Ge, and the Qingxi flute will be painted. I have known you for a long time.