If it is increased by one point, it is too long; if it is reduced by one point, it is too short; if it is applied with vermilion, it will be too red; if it is applied with powder, it will be too white.
The clouds on the temples are soaked in ink, and the phoenix hairpin is placed on the head to fly.
The cloud sleeves are swaying lightly to dance with butterflies, and the slender waist is slowly twisting the floating silk ribbon.
The clouds and temples are swaying with golden steps,
The hills are overlapping and the gold is shining, and the temples are shining. The clouds are full of fragrant cheeks and snow. I am too lazy to paint my eyebrows, and it is too late to put on makeup and wash up. Looking at the flowers in the front and back mirrors, the flowers complement each other. The newly embroidered ruffles, both golden partridges
A graceful lady, a gentleman is eager to ask for . There is a beautiful woman who lives in a seclusion in an empty valley. She wears a bun on her head and moon beads in her ears. Xiangqi is the lower skirt and purple qi is the upper jacket. When a traveler sees Luofu, he carries his shoulder to smooth his mustache. When a young man sees Luofu, he takes off his hat. Wearing a hat, the plower forgets his plow, and the hoeer forgets his hoe; he comes and returns angry with each other, but he just sits and watches Luofu.
Excerpted from "Baidu · Zuoyebang"